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07/14/1982 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
07/14/1982 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />July 14, 1982 <br />Page Two <br />"' SIGN PERMIT - MR. RYGG <br />There was no one present to speak on this. Mr. Prokop moved to table. <br />Seconded by Mr. Doocy. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean asked if this 297 square side - Mr. Kluegel, Yes. McLean - it <br />says metal and wood - which is what? It would appear that this is sheet <br />metal overlaying wood. Mr. McLean - where is the location? Need a more <br />definitive location. <br />Mrs. Klaus suggested that the distance to any other signs in the area be <br />noted. <br />BUILDING PERMIT - R. Neff <br />This is a proposal for a pole building along Lake Drive. Mr. McLean asked <br />if there is a survey? There was none. <br />Mr. Johnson pointed out that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Neff <br />several times and he had been told that a certificate of survey showing <br />the location of all buildings. <br />Mr. Johnson felt that perhaps this should be discussed since the proposed <br />building is much larger than the primary residence. He asked for the <br />consensus of the Board - Mr. McLean asked if the use of this property was <br />residential and was told, Yes. He felt that the building would have to be <br />Orelated to the residence. <br />Mr. Johnson felt that if the general consensus of the Board that this permit <br />would be denied, then it would unnecessary to go to the expense of having <br />a survey completed. He told Mr. Neff that he was trying to save him some <br />money and time. <br />Mr. Prokop - this will store four cars? also boat storage? This is a 44x56 <br />building - why so large? Someone from the audience said that part of the <br />structure was for a carport. Mr. Prokop noted that this is not shown on <br />the sketch any place. <br />Mr. McLean moved to table to allow Mr. Neff time to have a survey prepared, <br />get drawing that are adequate, dimension correct, get a complete picture. <br />Mr. Johnson felt that a variance is needed rather than a Speeial Use Permit. <br />Mr. Prokop seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Johnson noted that this is not in conformance with the Comprehensive <br />Plan and the zoning in that area. If Mr. Neff prepared all the materials <br />asked for in Mr. McLean's motion, there is no assurance that this would be <br />approved. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />411ZASTROW - SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />This request had been tabled from last meeting for further information. Mr. <br />Kluegel not that the parking area had been revised. <br />
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