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10/21/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
10/21/1981 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />October 21, 1981 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at <br />7:40 p.m. by Chairman Doocy. Members present; Larry Johnson, Jan Klaus, Bob Doocy. Members <br />absent: Swistoski. J%;/% ` /- ;,' °i <br />MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 <br />Mr. Prokop moved the minutes of the September 16, 1981 Planning and Zoning Board meeting <br />be accepted as written . Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />MR. SCHUMACHERS REPORT <br />Mr. Schumacher noted Mr. Weiners Special Use Permit was approved at the October 13, 1981 <br />Council meeting. <br />Mr. Doocy asked what action had been taken at the last Council on the sewer issue (81 -01, <br />Lake Drive Sewers). This will be discussed after the regular agenda. <br />VARIANCE - STEVEN KRUBE <br />Mr. Krube is asking for a variance to Ordinance #56, Section 4.05 to place a new garage <br />closer to the street than his house. Mr. Krube said his house is set about 600' off of <br />Pine Street and is well screened by shrub and other foliage. He noted that the land be- <br />hind his house drops off considerably and the septic system is located to the other side <br />of the house. <br />iiirr. Johnson moved to recommend to the Council the variance for Mr. Krube be approved. Mrs. <br />laus seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Doocy asked Mr. Krube to call the City office to determine at what time he would appear <br />on the October 26, 1981 Council agenda. He also told Mr. Krube he should appear at the <br />Council meeting to answer the Council's questions. <br />PLAT - M & T INVESTMENT COMPANY <br />Charles Bartholdi appeared before the Board representing M & T Investment Company. Mr. <br />Marcel LeRoux was also present. Mr. Bartholdi said Mr. LeRoux would like to plat approx- <br />imately 20 acres just south of 64th Street. The present zoning is agriculture. He is <br />proposing a total of 13 lots, minimum size being 1 acre. The original plan was to plat <br />four lots rather than 13 but decided on 13 to have enough money in the area to complete <br />the roads. However, if the Planning Commission would go along with the four one acre lots <br />this would be preferable. The reason he is here tonight is to see if this is a feasible plan <br />in this area and get some feed back from the Planning Commission to see if the project <br />will fly. <br />Mr. Doocy asked where the Jankus property lies? <br />is now owned by Ellison. Mr. Prokop said he had <br />nights ago to become familar with this property. <br />now being excavated. Mr. Leroux said this would <br />Mr. Prokop pointed out this property which <br />walked the area with Mr. LeRoux several <br />Mr. Johnson asked about the gravel pit <br />be shown on the final map. <br />Mr. Doocy said he had some concerns with the turns and twists of the proposed road. Mr. <br />eroux noted there is already on existing pole building on the property. He said streets <br />uld be changed if necessary. (a number of people were talking at one time, tape hard <br />o understand). Mrs. Klaus asked if there were any problems with switching easements for <br />the street. Mr. Doocy was not sure how this is handled. <br />Mr. Leroux said he would like to do this in phases in light of the present economy. Mr. <br />
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