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10/21/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
10/21/1981 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />October 21, 1981 <br />Page -2- <br />Prokop noted Ordinance #78 regarding the moratorum on platting. There was discussion about <br />a road connecting 64th Street to Rolling Hills Drive through the proposed plat. Mr. Prokop <br />pointed out this would have too many curves and bends to make it a practical emergency route <br />between the freeway frontage road and Bald Eagle Boulevard. There could be problems with <br />young people in this area. <br />Mr. Doocy noted the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as Rural, one house <br />per ten acres.and felt the Comprehensive Plan should be followed. Mr. Johnson suggested <br />taking two lots of one acre and leaving the balance for future development. <br />Mr. Prokop said drainage was a concern and would have to be addressed. He further indicated <br />the road access should be revised. <br />Mr. Schumasher asked what would happen if he platted two lots and sold off the balance of <br />the property to a totally different person and that person comes in and wants to divide this <br />balance? We can tell him the two lots density has already been used up but he would prob- <br />ably take the City to court. This will be an administrative problem. <br />PRELIMINIARY PLAT - ULMERS RICE LAKE ADDITION #4 <br />Mr. Shumacher said that at the time Mr. Ulmer started this proposal the City was in the <br />process of preparing for sewers along Lake Drive. the sewer situation has not been re- <br />solved and Mr. Ulmer said he would wait for the resolution.. Mr. Prokop moved that Ulmers <br />Resubdivision Preliminary plat be tabled until the November 18, 1981 Planning and Zoning <br />Board meeting at the request of Mr. Ulmer. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion carr- <br />"D ied unanimously. <br />REZONE - MARLIN HANSEN <br />Mr. Hansen is requesting a rezone to R2 to change his single family home into a duplex at <br />6460 Otter Lake Road. <br />Mr. Hansen said he had considered when he originally built the home it could someday be used <br />for two families although it was built as a single family home. He now would like to rent <br />out a portion of the home. <br />Mr. Schumacher indicated that this request would be a spot rezone which is not consistant <br />with previous Council action. This would be setting a precedence. Also there is the sit- <br />uation of double septic system on a lake lot and further the ordinance requires a separate <br />access. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted that all R2 zoning passed in the past two years has been for buffer <br />purposes. There had been no spot zoning for R2. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend denial of the rezone request since the request represents <br />spot zoning. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />6s,�! <br />.Mr.-- Pcokup was told his request will be before the City Council on the October 26, 1981 <br />agenda and Mr. Doocy told him he should be at the Council meeting for questions. <br />"OLD BUSINESS <br />r. Doocy asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the rezone, variance check- <br />list that was part of the September packet. There were none. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to waive the "no smoking" rule. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. No vote. <br />
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