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09/16/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/16/1981 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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; �� Planning and Zoning <br />;' ""° September 16? 1981 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission was <br />I called to order at 7:47 P.M. by Chairman Doocy. Members present; Swistoski, <br />Klaus, Prokop. Absent: Johnson. <br />On considering the minutes of the Auguat 19, 1981 meeting, Mrs. Klaus moved <br />to approve as written. Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher was unable to attend this meeting. Mr, Doocy asked if the <br />members had any questions on the Council meeting of August 24th and there were <br />none. <br />VARIANCE - ALCOCK ESTATES <br />This variance is for the splitting of a parcel of land without frontage. This <br />parcel is to be added to 'an existing parcel of land that has existing buildings <br />at the present time. <br />A drawing of his plans was presented to the Commission. Mr. Doocy noted that <br />in April a variance had been approved for Mr. Alcock to split his land into <br />three parcels. This has not been recorded. Mr. Doocy said it is necessary <br />to set aside the original variance in order to approve the variance requested <br />at this meeting. <br />Mr. Doocy said it would be necessary for Mr. Alcock to agree to set aside the <br />first variance in order to approve this one and Mr. Alcock agreed to this <br />action. <br />r. Prokop moved to recommend to the City Council that the variance to the <br />Alcock Estates granted May 26, 1981 by the Council be recinded at the personal <br />request of Mrs. Flora Alcock, personal Representative for the Estate. Seconded <br />by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Alcock does not have a certificate of survey - said he didn't want to go <br />to the expense if this request is not approved. <br />Mr. Doocy suggeteted dating the map presented at this hearing with this date - <br />Sept. 16, 1981 - and refer to the parcel in question as "Parcel D ". Mrs. <br />Klaus moved to recommend to the Council approval of the variance for Parcel <br />D for the Alcock Estates, dated 8/26/81 to sell this parcel of land with the <br />stipulation that a Certificate of Survey according to the map dated Sept. 16, <br />1981. The Certificate of Survey be presented within the next 30 days. • <br />Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - RONALD BROWN <br />Mr. Brown is requested a variance for a setback for the construction of a <br />garage and to put his driveway exit onto Main Street. Mr. Brown had contacted <br />the Anoka County Highway Department and they had no objections to this proposal. <br />Mr. Brown reported that the Highway Department said this is a more acceptable <br />route for the driveway than the 'S' shape to exit onto Elbe St. <br />There was some discussion on problems the driveway could create if, and when, <br />Wain Street is reconstructed. Mr. Brown explained that the driveway would be <br />ide enough to avoid any such problems. If the garage is constructed within <br />16' of the right -of -way, and the street is upgraded, there will' still be a 10' <br />wide ditch area, thus he would still have a distance of 26' to his garage. <br />
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