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Planning and Zoning <br />Septepber 16' 1981 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Swistoski moved to recommend approval of the variance of 9/11/81 per the <br />410 County Engineer's memo dated 9/1/81, contingent upon the approval of Anoka <br />County Board. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried unanimosly. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT - RESHANAU SHORES <br />Mr. Doocy asked why the resubdivision and Mr. Gotwald said this was for the <br />time when sewers are installed in that area. The lots then may be subdivided <br />in this manner. <br />Mr. Gotwald pointed out this is the highest land along the lake and the street <br />is 12' above the water level. The lowest elevation is 886. This plat meets <br />all requirements,even the Lake Shore Management Act, which does not affect <br />this area at this time. <br />Mr. Kluegel said his main concern is that there are correct setbacks from the <br />lake, for both the residence and septic systems. <br />Mr. Prokop expressed a concern with Lots - he felt that the minimum <br />footage for drainfields and basement levels should be set on those lots. Mr. <br />Gotwald said there would be no problems with that stipulation. <br />The points that were set forth in Mr. Short's letter were gone over and dis- <br />cussed with Mr. Gotwald supplying the answers where there were questions. <br />The general consensus of the Commission was that all questions in this report <br />had been answered. <br />r. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council that, if the ER zoning in the <br />Draft Comprehensive Plans conforms to the current Metro suggested zoning of <br />1 acre lot sizes with on site water and sewer and if the date of this <br />preliminary platting of Aug. 1981 can be considered as prior to Ord. #84, <br />approval of this plat with the stipulations 1) that no basements be less than <br />886' elevation; 2) septic tanks and drainfields be on the roadside of Lots 1, <br />, Block 1, 3)drainfields and septic tanks not less than 3' above the <br />normal lake level of 880' (this to avoid restrictive soils permit) 4) that <br />appropriate fill be placed in and around the building sites to meet the build- <br />ing inspector's requirements; 5) that the Park Board review the previously <br />agreed area wide park land dedication to ascertain if there are any problems <br />in that area; 6) that outlot A on the preliminary plat not be subdivided at <br />the present time until City sewer is avaiable - Outlot B left as a wild life <br />refuge. Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. The meeting was reconvened. <br />APPLICATIONS FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES <br />These are new forms developed by Mike Johnson. Mr. Doocy presented these to <br />the Commission for their consideration. <br />WEINER <br />Doocy noted that this request for the construction of a pole building had <br />een considered at the August meeting. Mr. Weiner had called Mr. Doocy late <br />this afternoon and Mr. Doocy said he had not made any promises but asked Mr. <br />Weiner if he would like to present his materials. <br />