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08/19/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/19/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />August 19, 1981 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission <br />was called to order by Chairman Doocy at g;30 P.M. Members present; <br />Swistoski, Klaus, Prokop. Absent; Johnson. <br />MINUTES - July 22, 1981 <br />Mr. Prokop , page three, 'Southeast' should be changed to 'Southwest" <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve as corrected, Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher's Report <br />Mr. Schumacher said there is one item that this Board should be aware <br />of - this is Ordinance #84, passed by the Council at their last meeting. <br />This sets a moratorium on all platting outside the sewer area districts <br />until the Comprehensive Plan is approved. <br />There was discussion on the relationship of this Ordinance to Ordinance <br />#78. One puts a moratorium on dividing large pacels of lands by metes <br />and bounds - Ordinance #84 puts a moratorium on platting of lands into <br />lots and blocks until the Comprehensive Plan is finalized. <br />Mr. Doocy had a question on whether the City is requiring Class 5 or <br />Limestone for dust free surfaces - Mr. Schumacher felt this is a <br />Council decision and the limestone provides a more stable base. <br />Mr. Schumacher answered the Commission's concerns on the follow up of <br />Special Use Permits - any stipulations imposed on a Special Use Permit <br />is given to the Building Inspector to make sure the stipulations are <br />adhered to as ordered. <br />VARIANCE - ANDREW CARDINAL <br />Mr. Cardinal is requesting a variance to Ord. #78 to split a parcel of <br />land from his farm to give to his daughter to build a house. This <br />parcel is being split from a 40 acre parcel. The certificate of survey <br />as presented at this meeting is for 22 acres, but Mr. Cardinal indicated <br />that this would be a waste of good farm land since one acre is all that <br />is needed to provide space for a single family dwelling. He asked that <br />this variance be considered in that light. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that under the Comprehensive Plan this area <br />is classified as Rural and the size of the lot is not important - the <br />density is the important factor. He felt that with the acreage repre- <br />sented by Mr. Cardinal, he did not feel there was any problems in <br />allowing the split of one acre. <br />Mr. Doocy asked Mr. Cardinal if he would agree that he would do absolutel <br />no more subdividing and Mr. Cardinal said, Absolutely. He will not sell <br />any more of his land. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of this variance with the follow- <br />ing change 1) that the parcel to be split be reduced to one acre, 2) <br />that a correct survey be presented before the next Council meeting. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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