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08/19/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/19/1981 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 3:19:02 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />August 19, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />VARIANCE - HANSEN <br />This a request for a variance to Ordinance #78 for the transfer of a <br />strip of land 30' wide in order to add to his existing lot. This is <br />necessary due to the location of a tree that Mr. Hansen does not want <br />to remove. This is in the area of the driveway. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend approval of this variance for the transfer <br />of title of this parcel of land. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT - GOTWALD <br />This preliminary plat is located on 7th Avenue and contains 11 - 1 acre <br />lots and is called Reshaneau Shores. <br />After reviewing the plat and Mr. Short's comments the Planning and <br />Zoning members requested the following items; 1) obtain an outside <br />Engineer's review due to present conflict of interest, 2) Mr. Kluegel <br />to review on site septic system proposal; 3) conform to the first 8 <br />comments of Mr. Short's letter 4) suggestion of larger lots due to <br />high water table with development on only one side of existing street. <br />Mr. Prokop moved table consideration of this plat until the above <br />requests have been satisfied. Seconded by Mr. Swostoski. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT- WIENER <br />This is a request to construct a metal building for storaage. Mr. <br />Wiener wants._to store carpentry equipment and is located at 6356 Hodgson <br />Road. There is an existing residential unit on this lot. <br />Mr. Prokop had a couple of concerns. Mr. Doocy asked Mr. Wiener if he <br />had seen a copy of Mr. Short's comments - Mr. Wiener had not. He was <br />given a copy and time to read. <br />The points as set forth by Mr. Short were discussed. Mr. Short had <br />the following concerns;1) this type of use requires a LI zoning; 2) <br />inconsistent with Comprehensive. Plan; 3) would require rezoning; <br />4) Lot is too small; 5) the building appears to be too large; 6) <br />industrial setbacks not met. There is also a concern with the drainage <br />in relationship to the ditch crossing the lot. <br />Mr. Swistoski moved that Mr. Wiener consider both PCZ and Mr. Short's <br />recommendation and this matter be tabled until the next meeting. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - HAL LEIBEL <br />This is a request to split one lot into two - the lots are located on <br />Mound Trail and is a variance to Ord. #78. Mr. Leibel purchased a home <br />that was in the Chain of Lakes Park and wants to move that home onto <br />this portion of the lot being split. <br />
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