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07/22/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/22/1981 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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pK / <br />. ,X- Planning and Zoning Board <br />July 22, 1981 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission was called <br />to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Doocy. Members present; Swistoski, Prokop, <br />Klaus, Johnson. <br />JUNE 17, 1981 MINUTES <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. <br />Mr. Swistoski asked if there had been any decision on the Ice Cream Parlor. <br />Mr. Doocy asked if he had read the Council minutes - this discussion is on <br />page five. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Doocy reported that Mr. Schumacher is ill and will not be present. Mr. <br />Doocy made note of one item in the Council minutes that the Commission should <br />be aware of. The Council has gone on record as requiring crushed limestone <br />rather than Class 5. Mr. Prokop asked how this should affect P&Z agenda - <br />should they require limestone? or should the land owner be given a choice? <br />Mr. Doocy asked if he would like a clarification of this point and Mr. Prokop <br />said, Yes. He said he has no objections - just would like some directions <br />as to which is more appropriate. <br />Mrs. Klaus in reference to the Ice Cream Parlor - it would appear that no real <br />decisions pEt would appear that if there is no decision made by the Planning <br />and Zoning Board, the Council cannot follow on what their discussion was and <br />what their concerns were and make a decision - perhaps the Planning and Zoning <br />is falling short in not making a solid decision to be forwarded to the Council. <br />He felt the Council expressed a concern about putting up a barrier but had <br />felt it would only last one night. <br />• SPECIAL USE PERMIT - LeROCQUE <br />This is for the construction of a pole type building to be used for storage <br />at the Contractor's Exchange location on Lake Drive. <br />The size, type and location of this building was discussed as was the usage. <br />Mrs. LaRocque said the office would not be moved into the new buildings This <br />building will be painted the same as the other buildings. <br />Mr. Doocy asked if Mrs. LaRocque could get a picture of the proposed building <br />and she said she thought she could. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if there was any consideration of expanding this business and <br />Mrs. LaRocque said, No. Mr. Prokop then discussed landscaping of the lot. <br />He suggested trees and /or shrubs for sight line screening. <br />There was discussion on the upgrading of Highway #8 by Anoka County and it <br />was suggested that this be presented to them to see if there would be any <br />affect on the existing driveways. <br />Mr. Johnson moved that the Planning and Zoning recommend approval of this <br />with the stipulations that a picture of the building be provided, a landscape <br />plan be provided before this is presented to the Council and Mrs. LaRocque <br />consult with the Anoka County Highway Department on this plan. Seconded by <br />errokop. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - CHARLES GRAMITH <br />This variance is for the splitting a land locked parcel of land and combining <br />with two existing parcels of land to allow the rebuilding of a failing drain- <br />
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