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07/22/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/22/1981 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 3:18:32 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning <br />July 22, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />fields. <br />Mr. Gramith did not have a certificate of survey and was unaware of the <br />fact that he needed one. He said he would provide the necessary papers <br />before the Council meeting on the 10th of August. <br />Mr. Gramith had presented two alternatives to solve the problem with the <br />septic system. Alternate 2, which necessitates the splitting of the land, <br />seems to be the most feasible method to solve this problem. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recomme0d to the Council approval of this lot split <br />for the purpose of rebuilding the drainfield. This is a variance to Ord. <br />#78 and Mr. Gramith will provide a certificate of survey to be presented <br />at the Council meeting on August 10, 1981. Seconded by Mr.Swistoski Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION - ACTON CONSTRUCTION <br />This is being applied for by the Far View Sign Company. This sign is <br />located on the East side of I35E and a drawing was presented to the Board <br />members. This drawing indicates the footage from existing signs and from <br />residential property. This is an internally lighted sign and pictures of <br />sample signs were presented to the members. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to recommend to the Council approval of this sign permit <br />application. Seconded by Mr.Prokop. Motion carried unanimously. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Hugo Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />Mr. Short had reviewed this plan. Mr. Prokop asked what should be done <br />about the discrepancies between this Comprehensive Plan and this City's <br />Comprehensive Plan? <br />There was discussion on 'collector' and 'minor arterial' and the difference <br />in the use of those types of streets. <br />Mr. Prokop moved that the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission has <br />reviewed the Hugo Comprehensive Plan and have reviewed the comments as <br />submitted by Mr. Short, City Planner, and the areas of conflict, the Board <br />suggests that the Lino Lakes designate of Main Street as a 'minor arterial' <br />be maintained inview of the fact that it does connect activity centers of <br />sub - regions, namely Lino Lakes and Hugo. 24th Avenue or Elmcrest, it is a <br />dirt road although it is a County Line road,and is basically a local roadway. <br />Otherwise, this Board would recommend approval of the Hugo Comprehensive <br />Land Use Plan. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PLATTING CHECK LIST <br />This is a rough draft that has been put together by Mr. Mike Johnson. This <br />is something this Board should take a look at, in depth, and present any <br />Ssuggestions for changes or alternations. No action is required on this list <br />at this time. There was some discussion on this list and some of the <br />terminology, particularly 'hardshell'. Mr,„. Prokop suggested a 'flow sheet' <br />indicating the sequence in which these itmes should be completed. <br />
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