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06/17/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/17/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />June 17, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />that there be control of the parking lot, and that the kids be kept away <br />from the 49 Club. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of this special use permit pending <br />acceptable solution to the parking lot problem, the question of fencing <br />between the 49 Club and this area and the lighting be taken care of. <br />Seconded by Mr. Doocy. Mr. Prokop said he would like to the leave the type <br />of barrier as an open ended suggestion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. The meeting reconvened. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - JOHN LeBLOND <br />Mr. Short's comment were read and discussed. There was a suggestion that <br />the entrance should be cleared with the Anoka County Highway Department. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported that he has been working with the State on the <br />access problem in the area. This material does not have to be submitted <br />to the County. <br />The parking requirements, driveway surfacing, landscaping and storm water <br />run -off was discussed and suggestions made to Mr. LeBlond for the submission <br />of this material. Mr. LeBlond was questioned on the possible expansion and <br />he replied that he had no plans for the expansion of the building and if the <br />parking needed to be expanded, it would be in front of the building. <br />Mr. Swistoski moved to recommend approval of the Clinic per Mr. Short's <br />IIIletter to identifying the landscaping, locating the drainage. Seconded by <br />Mr. Flannery. Mr. Prokop amended the motion to include paragraph 2, item 4. <br />Mr. Bathke asked for type of surfacing on the driveway to be noted. He <br />pointed out that Class 5 has been allowed. These amendments were acceptable. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT- NORTH NORTHEAST REALTY <br />This is a request for an amended special use permit to add a second floor <br />to the existing office building. <br />Mr. Bathke asked if this would increase the number of persons in the <br />building and Mr. Blackbird said, Not at the present time. <br />Mr. Torp, adjacent property owner, had some questions about the screening. <br />Mr. Paulson, another property owner, presented his concerns, <br />There was discussion of the septic system - is it large enough to handle <br />additional personnel? Mr. Blackbird said there would be no additional <br />personnel at this time. <br />Mr. Flannery asked if this was to be used exclusively by North Northeast <br />and Mr. Blackbird said, Yes. Mr. Flannery wondered if there was any con- <br />sideration of this being used as a professional building and Mr. Balckbird <br />said at the present time, this building will be used only by North Northeast. <br />• Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of the amended special use permit <br />for El Rehbine & Son with the stipulation that two rows of short needle <br />pines be planted on the line of abutting property owners and that a bumper <br />be installed on the Tom Thumb property line the question of <br />the storm drainage from the parking lot to abutting property be satisfied <br />
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