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05/20/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/20/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Plannin, and Zoning <br />May 20, 1981 <br />The regular meetong of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />• to order at 7:30 P.M., May 20, 1981 by Mr. Doocy with Members Klaus, <br />Swistoski, Flannery present. Johnson, Bathke and Prokop absent. Mr. <br />Schumacher was also present. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to approve the minutes of April 15, 1981 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on the actions of the Council in reference to the <br />last Planning and Zoning Board's recommendations. <br />VARIANCE - ROLSTAD <br />This is for a variance to ordinance #78 for the splitting of a parcel of <br />land containing 22 acres by metes and bounds. There was some discussion <br />on the road right -of -way, the reasons for the splitting of the land and <br />if there is a hardship of the land requiring this variance. <br />Mr. Schumacher felt the intent of the ordinance was to controll the sub- <br />dividing of large acreage into 22 acres and thus avoiding the platting <br />process and the park dedication. <br />Mr. Flannery moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance. <br />Seconded bik,,Mr. Swistoski. The motion was amended to require enough <br />^zn.0 footageblo accom ®date the 33' for the street right -of -way. This would <br />necessitate the addition of front footage Vo in order to have a full 22 <br />• acre lot exclussive of the right -of -way. This amendment was accepted and <br />the Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - PELTIER <br />This application is for a variance to Ord. #72 which sets a moratorium on <br />subdivisions in the area where the land is located. This is not a sub- <br />division - the reason for the moratorium. Mr. Schumacher explained this <br />is a split of 101/2 acres from a 72 acre parcel. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance <br />for the transfer of 102 acres of land. Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - BEHR. <br />This a request for a driveway that will extend beyond the 300' limit. Mr. <br />Schumacher noted this is a ten acre parcel and Mr. Schumacher asked why the <br />driveway was entering onto Karth Road rather than Joyer Lane. It would <br />appear this is merely a choice and he had no objections to entering Joyer <br />Lane. <br />Mr. Prokop arrived 8:14 P.M. He was informed of the matter before the <br />Baord at this time. <br />Mr. Doocy noted that the driveway will exit onto Joyer Lane rather than on <br />• <br />Karth Road. Mr. Prokop asked if the home could be constructed on another <br />part of the lot or was this location chosen for a definite purpose? Mr. <br />Flannery said he had walked the lot and the location of the structure is <br />the highest point on the lot. Mr. Behr is planning an earth shelter home <br />
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