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04/15/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/15/1981 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:05 P.M., April 15, 1981 by Member Larry Johnson. Mr. Bathke, <br />•Chairman will be late and Mr. Bob Doocy, Vice - Chairman will be unable to <br />attend this meeting. Members present; Swistoski, Klaus, Prokop. Flannery <br />was also absent. <br />On considering the minutes of March 18, 1981, Mr. Prokop moved that the <br />minutes be approved. Seconded by Mr. Swistoski. Mrs. Klaus wanted to be <br />sure that the unanimous denial of the Rolstad request was noted correctly <br />in these minutes, Mr. Johnson on the Rehbien lot split, the motion should <br />include the statement "that according to State Law and City Ordinances, <br />that no hardship of the land was shown ". (add to the minutes) Mr. Prokop <br />moved to accept the minutes with the changes. Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on the Council actions - on the Pudwill /Leiberman <br />lot split where a temporary trailer permit had been granted - the P &Z had <br />recommended the lot split - the Council has tabled this lot split action due <br />to the owner not having obtained a building permit. Litagation has been <br />started on this problem. <br />Mr. Prokop - on the dog ordinance - had there been discussion of the problems <br />Mr. Schumacher said it had been discussed and this inconsistency should be <br />taken care of when the ordinances are codified. Is there a time frame and <br />Mr. Schumacher said it should be started this summer - money has been allocate <br />VARIANCE - MYRVOLD <br />•This is for a long driveway - 600 feet - Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Schumacher <br />to present the reasons for this driveway. Mr. Schumacher asked Mr. Kluegel <br />why this is necessary and Mr. Kluegel said there is only one area that can <br />be developed and this is the reason for the variance. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if this site has been investigated as to how buildable it <br />is - has there been pert test, etc.? Mr. Kluegel said all this has been <br />done. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend approval of this variance for the long drive- <br />way with the stipulations that the owner maintain this driveway so that <br />emergency vehicles can get in. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - ICE CREAM PARLOR <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the concerns of Mr. Short on this <br />operation - 1)bathrooms, 2) ingress, 3) egress 4) parking, 5) parking, <br />6) hours of operations 7) number of patrons 8) adjacent land uses. The <br />developers of this establishment had mailed a letter addressed to the <br />concerns to each member. Under the land use and zoning it is stated that <br />the proposed used would comply with the adjacent properties and with the <br />commercial zoning of the lands. Mr. Schumacher asked Mr. Kluegel to address <br />the issues of sewer and water. <br />Mr. Kluegel said he had talked with Mr. Jon Christianson of the Anoka County <br />•Health Department and he had recommended that a new well be installed and <br />the possible enlargement of the existing septic system. <br />There was discussion on the comparable use of this system - would this use <br />be more than a family of five? There was discussion of the proposed ingress <br />and egress to the parking lot - there are two proposals. <br />
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