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04/15/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/15/1981 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />April 15, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />The concern that a divider of some manner be installed between the entrance <br />• and exit of the proposed driveway in order to avoid confusion. The surfacing <br />of the parking lot was discussed. Mr. Schumacher read from the Ordinance <br />as to the requirements. There was discussion on the anticipated number of <br />parking spaces needed and the anticipated number of persons who would be <br />there air any one time. <br />Mr. Johnson asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to comment <br />on this proposed business and there was none. <br />Mr. Prokop wanted it on the record that the living quarters of this building <br />will not be used for residential purposes. The developers said there is no <br />plans for any residential use of this building. Mr. Prokop was concerned <br />with the capacity of the septic system. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council this Special Use Permit be <br />approved according to Plans submitted by petitioners,Choice #1, new well <br />be installed, petitioners recognized the septic system may need to be <br />enlarged, class #5 aggregate and the Parking may have to be revamped as <br />the use may indicate. Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Doocy arrived. <br />VARIANCE - S & J CONSTRUCTION CO, <br />Mr. John Doyle was present to represent this company. Mr, Schumacher report- <br />•ed that Mr. Doyle has 9 lots that he is trying to develop on Captains Place. <br />There is sewer and water in the street. The DNR, Corps of Engineer and the <br />RCWB has concerns on the development of these lots. The City also has a <br />concern with Lots 1/8 , Block 10 in that the City has installed the utilties <br />for servicing these lots and there are assessments to be collected. These <br />lots would need to be filled in order to be developed. This is what Mr. <br />Doyle is in the process of doing at the present time and he needs a permit <br />for this fill work. Mr. Doyle is asking for a variance to the required <br />front setback in order to have to use less fill. This is because all above <br />agencies want as little fill as possible in this area. <br />Mr. Johnson asked how much of a setback variance is he asking for and Mr. <br />Doyle said from the required 30' fot 10'. Mr. Prokop felt that since these <br />lots are located on a cul -de -sac, this would have an affect of having the <br />homes being constructed very near to each other. <br />Mr. Doocy asked, if this variance to the setback is allowed, what sort of <br />side yard setback is being considered? will there be room for a garage? <br />Mr. Doyle said he was planning homes with tuck under garage which would <br />leave the side yards free. <br />The distance of the home from the curb was computed at 17'. There was dis- <br />cussion on the fact that this leaves no space for snow disposal in the <br />winter. There is also a problem of parking in the driveway - this would <br />put a regular size car or van right at the curb. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if there were some of the lots that could handle a setback <br />of more than is being asked for and it was noted that lots 10 $ 11 could be <br />built at the normal setback. Mr. Doyle suggested using two lots as one with <br />a zero lot line, this would alleviate some of the congestion. <br />
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