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03/18/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/18/1981 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />March 18, 1981 <br />0K Ri <br />The regular meeting of the' Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />411to order at 7:30 P.M., March 18, 1981 by Chairman Bathke. Members present; <br />Swistoski, Doocy, Klaus, Flannery, Johnson. Absent; Prokop. <br />On considering the minutes, Change 9th paragraph to read "Mr. Doocy voted No" <br />Mr. Johnson questioned the special use permit of Mr. Glenn Rehbein's - was <br />this for HI or LI? Mr. Schumacher said Mr. Rehbein's land was zoned <br />commercial and his operation was a permissable use. There was no zoning <br />designation of either HI or LI - just the use. <br />Mr. Prokop arrived. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. <br />Motion carried. <br />Council Actions <br />Mr. Schumacher presented each member with a copy of the Judge's findings in <br />connection with the quads. <br />Mr. Bill Short <br />Mr. Short presented the amendment chapter to the Comprehensive Plan and <br />explained the necessity for this Chapter. He informed the Board that this <br />had been presented to the Council at their last meeting. Mr. Short outlined <br />•the areas that are discussed in this chapter, the forestation, soils, <br />enviornment and archeological. Mr. Short outlined the polices that will <br />ensure the necessary protection of the items outlined in this chapter. <br />There were no further questions from the Board. Mr. Short was thanked for <br />his time and information. <br />Mr. Bathke welcomed the new members to the Board and asked that the Board <br />stick to the agenda since it is a full agenda. <br />REZONE - CALVIN ROLSTAD. <br />Mr. Rolstad said he has a 32 acre parcel of land located on Holly Drive and <br />is asking for a zoning of R -2 in an R -1 area. <br />The Board pointed out that this area is designated as an R -1 Zone in the <br />Comprehensive' and this would constitute spot zoning. There was discussion <br />of the surrounding area and the impact this would have in relationship to <br />the development in that area. <br />Mr. Bathke asked for a roll call vote on this; Doocy - against spot zoning; <br />Swistoski - abstain; Prokop - ?; Kraus - ?; Flannery - ?; Johnson - ?; <br />Mr. Bathke pointed out that this is the probable way they would recommend <br />this to the Council. (Clerk's note: the part I could understand left the <br />• impression that this would be recommended for denial) <br />SCHILLING - INDUSTRIAL PARK REZONE. <br />This is for the rezoning of the remaining portion of the Lino Industrial <br />Park and has preliminary approval. Mr. Schumacher pointed out the portion <br />that alreadyo.,abeen rezoned. <br />
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