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03/18/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/18/1981 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 3:16:59 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />March 18, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Schilling said they had not asked for rezoning on the entire area before <br />"'was because they wanted to develop in stages. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.l <br />Mr. Johnson moved to recommend to the Council that this land be rezone to <br />LI. Seconded by Mr. Swistoski ( ?). Motion carried unanimously. <br />STEVE LeV,SS i1R <br />Mr. LeVessuer was asking for a building permit to enlarge a building on the <br />property he owns at the end of Lois Lane. Since this is in a residential <br />area and is a commercial building, the building inspector had refused to <br />issue a permit for this work. It was pointed out that this lot and building <br />has always been used as commercial. <br />The portion of the Ordinance that covers this particular situation was read <br />and discussed. <br />Mr. Bathke suggested this area be rezoned and Mr. LeVessuer asked what time <br />frame is he looking at - he would like to get started on this as soon as <br />possible. <br />Mr. Johnson asked if this could be handled under a special use permit? It <br />was generally felt that this should be handled by a rezoning. Mr. Levessuer <br />was advised to obtain an application form for the rezone and follow the <br />• procedure. <br />GLENN REHBEIN - VARIANCE. <br />This is concerned with lots located in Equity Estates, Lots 28 & 29 to be <br />split. There was discussion as to why this land was to be split and why the <br />lots were to be divided as shown. This would require a variance to Ord. #78. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council this variance be denied. Second- <br />ed by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. ,'L" /- 4ti,-. / w,1�tz-/] <br />(1_4,..1,-y , s� Ti,:. r 4,-----,_- .-If. a z,,.� —c,, ..- L. `.. x ,,,, Lf-✓--.-d e—cz7 9 ,te. Cy,.sC....�x� 20 %C-9 �LL1- (5 7 C - -y_� <br />! e <br />PLA FEASIBILITY -` T.J.J.T. -✓ 5A-°z1P',--'' <br />This plat deals with lands located at the end of 62nd Street and is for <br />informational purposes only. The general consensus of the Planning and <br />Zoning Board was that this is a feasible plat and the developers will need <br />to contact Rice Creek Watershed Board on the drainage. This will need to be <br />presented as a preliminary plat for Planning and Zoning consideration and <br />approval before Rice Creek Watershed will consider. <br />FRANK MINAR - VARIANCE <br />This is for the splitting of a lot on County Road J,containing 20 acres, for <br />the purpoase of constructing a home on the second portion. There was dis- <br />cussion on the applicability of the moratorium on splitting lands by metes <br />411 and bounds to this particular request. The lot to be split off contains 5 acres. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance. <br />Seconded by Mr. Prokop ( ?). There was discussion of the necessity of payment <br />for Park purposes, with Mr. Minar disagreeing with the proposal. <br />
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