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12/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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December 17, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 7:30 P.M., December 17, 1980, by Chairman Reinert. Members <br />present; Doocy, Johnson, Schwankl, Reinert, Prokop. Absent; Heath, Bathke. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of November 19, 1980 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested dispensing with the report on the Council actions by <br />Mr. Schumacher. Mr. Johnson asked to have this delayed - he has some <br />questions. <br />Mr. Short was present to go over some changes in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The changes have been suggested by Mr. Meister, Engineer and Mr. Short, <br />Planner. Mr. Short reported that the six month time frame for other <br />communities to comment on this document has expired so the next step can <br />be started. <br />Mr. Reinert asked why there /changes made? Mr. Short said the major changes <br />were in road classification - also, an up -date on the sewer plan and to <br />include the Capital Imp,?Ovement Program. Some were suggestions from <br />neighboring communities. Mr. Schumacher said this is basically the same <br />sewer plan - Mr. Reinert interrupted to ask Mr. Schumahcer to move the maps <br />so that the taxpayers in the audience could see what was going on and he then <br />asked that Mr. Short give a back ground explanation of the Comprehensive Plan <br />Which he did. <br />11 Mr. Schumacher presented the up dated sewer plan, pointing out the areas that <br />had been added to the basic plan, explaining why these areas had been added. <br />Mr. Meister explained how these areas would be served and through which <br />interceptor. <br />Mr. Short continued with the 4 areas of changes; 1) the area that is now <br />being platted as Sunset Oaks II had been designated as LI - since this will <br />single family residential,the designation will so note; 2) in the area <br />South of Centerville where the plat - East Birch Add. - had been vacated, <br />Mr. Short recommended this designation be reverted bact to Rural; 3) South <br />of Lake Amelia, North of Co. Rd. J - had been designated as RR, but with a <br />possibility of sewers - this should be changed to Commercial; 4) West of <br />Lake Drive, South of 135W, East of 4th Avenue and North of Elm STreet, due <br />to current use of the land, create an Ind. Park in this area. This is an <br />agenda item for this meeting. <br />Mr. Short's 2nd point - transportation - the references to Pine Street and <br />24th Avenue North are now shown as local streets - should be reclassified <br />as collectors. There is also the possibility that Pine Street could be <br />used as alternative alignment for the planned extension of County Rd. 19. <br />The Third point was the suggestion of a special entrance for the Chain of <br />Lakes park to be considered in order to relieve traffic within the City. <br />the fourth point was that two park service areas have been eliminated by <br />reclassifying the lands as rural. <br />There had been a suggestion from White Bear Township that perhaps the two <br />communities could work together to develop a park along the N.W. corner of <br />
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