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12/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
12/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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December 17, 1980 <br />Planning and Zoning <br />Page Two <br />Bald Eagle Lake. There is a single family development in White Bear Town- <br />ship that has no park area. Lino Lakes has West Oaks and Arbor Lake in the <br />area now being developed and the City of Lino Lakes does have lands for <br />park use in that area. Mr. Short felt there could be discussion about a <br />cooperative venture of the two communities to develop a park in that area. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Prokop moved to approve the changes as recommended <br />by the Planner. Seconded by MR. Johnson. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Reinert said he had a concern that he would like to discuss with Mr. <br />Schumahcer before the agenda. He said he understood that a special Planning <br />and Zoning Board meeting had been scheduled for the 7th of January and he <br />asked for the reasons why it was scheduled. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that the office has a cut -off time before which, <br />all materials to be presented to the P &Z Board must be in the office. This <br />special use permit request came in too late to be included on this agenda. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if the cut -off date was Monday and Mr. Schumahcer said, <br />yes, Mr. Reinert asked if this request had been delivered on Monday, Mr. <br />Schumacher said, yes, but late in the afternoon after the packets had been <br />prepared. MR. Reinert insisted, that technically, this special use permit <br />request, have been included on this agenda. <br />r. Reinert felt that preferential treatment was being give to certain <br />persons in the community. <br />Mayor Gourley explained that this City has 60 days in which to consider this <br />request in compliance with the Court order. The special meeting was set <br />early in January in order to allow time for a 2nd meeting it is becomes <br />necessary. This matter must be concluded, one way or the other, by January <br />25th. <br />Mr. Reinert questioned the orginazation of the P &Z for the coming year, <br />Also, when are the appointments made for the new year. <br />Mayor Gourley said appointemnts may be made at any time, but are usually <br />done at the 1st meeting in January, or at a special meeting called soon <br />after the 1st of the year for just that purpose since all terms expire on <br />December 31st. <br />Mr. Larry Johnson, said he resented having to read about a scheduled special <br />meeting of the P &Z in the paper - he had not been consulted as to whether <br />he could be present or not. <br />Mr. Johnson also questioned Mayor Gourley on the extent the Council is <br />spending City funds for legal action. Mayor Gourley said the funds are benig <br />expended to defend the Council's position on the Special use permit. Mayor <br />Gourley explained the action of the court and the ruling establishing the <br />110 0 day time frame for the conclusion of the matter. <br />Mrs. Schwankl asked the Chairman to begin the meeting and dispense with this <br />discussion since this is not an agenda item for this evening. <br />
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