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07/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
07/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The Regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 7:30 P.M. on July 16, 1980 by Acting Chairman Heath. Members present; <br />Prokop, Doocy, Schwankl. Absent; Reinert, Johnson, Bathke. <br />The minutes of June 18,1980 were considered. Mr. Heath asked that the minutes <br />.e amended to read that a motion was made to have the Attorney look into <br />changing the Ordinance on Special Use Permits with the idea that special use <br />permits should be different than actual zonings. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bill Short was present to comment on Lakes Add. #7. Mr. Short said he <br />recommended this be considered as R3. This would be under #56C. He said he <br />analyzed as R5. He said he had reviewed as both R3 and R5. R5 would require <br />16,000 square feet - all lots qualify under this - the lot width is 150' at <br />building setback line and there are some that do not meet this requirement. <br />Basically these are lots located on cul -de -sacs. Mr. Short also indicated <br />there are some problem soils in this area that the developer should be aware <br />of. The parking is adequate Mr. Short said, although the park land dedication <br />had been satisfied for this land, thedeveloper should consider a small tot lot <br />for the use of just these units. Mr. Blackbird said they are considering <br />3 small swing set type tot lots. <br />Mr. Short questioned the utility line running thorugh the property - it is not <br />shown on the plat. He also questioned the lack of a storm water easement. <br />Mr. Short suggested that in areas such as this, there should be some pro- <br />visions for outside storage area. <br />The two major areas of concerns is the frontage of some of the lots and the <br />Oroning. Mr. Heath felt this will need to be resolved by the Council. Mr. <br />chumacher felt the type of zoning existing at the present time, it will allow <br />this type of construction. <br />The Enviornmental Assessment Worksheet was considered. Mr. Short said the <br />acceptance of this is the responsibility of the City Council. This must be <br />done prior to the final approval of this plat. Mr. Short had reviewed this <br />worksheet and his comments were a part of his letter to the Planning and <br />Zoning Board. <br />Mr. Blackbird commented on several of the points made by Mr. Short. Basically, <br />the discussion on this will be held until scheduled at 9:00 P.M. <br />The first item on the agenda was Mr. Rudy Tschida. He was not present. The <br />next item to be considered was a special use permit for Mr. Spetzman. <br />Mr. Johnson arrived at 8:10 P.M. <br />Mr. Spetzman questioned the need for a special use permit since the entire <br />three acres was zoned commercial. Mr. Schumacher explained that any time a <br />commercial building is constructed in an unsewered area, thare must be a special <br />use permit for the construction of the building. <br />This is to be a wood frame building with the inner walls sheet rocked. The <br />request as stated in the rezoning application had set forth a cement block <br />0 wilding. This building will have no running water and no need for septic <br />ystem and will be used for a transmission repair shop. There was some dis- <br />cussion on the possible pollution of the soils with the oil. Mr. Spetzman <br />felt this is not a danger. <br />
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