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07/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />July 16, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />There was discussion on the fact there is no water in the building and the <br />IIIwork involves flamable materials. Mr. Spetzman said there are fire extinguishe <br />cement floor and 5/8" sheet rock walls. He felt there is very little danger <br />of fire getting a start. Mr. Spetzman said there is always the possibility <br />of a fire but felt this has been considered and preparations made for this <br />possibility. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to recommend this special use permit be approved with the <br />stipulation that an outside storage be constructed and screened from Highway <br />#8. Mr. Doocy added this building to be inspected by the Building Inspector <br />and the Fire Marshall with an annual inspection prior to the annual review. <br />This was accepted by Mr. Johnson. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. <br />Mr. Johnson restated his motion to recommend this special use permit be <br />approved with the stipulations that an adequate storage shed be erected <br />to shield outside storage to screen from Highway #8 and neighbors and that <br />the Building Inspector be instructed to take special note of the fire & <br />safety hazards. Seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. Motion carried unanimously... <br />Mr. Spetzman was told this will be before the Council on the 28th of July, <br />and he should plan to attend. <br />The next item on the agenda was a variance for Mr.David Kroona. Mayor Gourley <br />reported on the house proposed to be moved into the City. He said the house <br />was in excellent shape as to construction; the electrical and plumbing would <br />have to be inspected. The one problem was the house has only 816 Square feet. <br />IIIMayor Gourley said the area the house is proposed to be moved into has homes <br />of similar construction type. Pictures of the surrounding homes were presented <br />for the Board's consideration. Mayor Gourley said, if this house was to be <br />moved into a newer area, it would look out of place, but in this area the <br />house blends in perfectly. The proposed location is on Sunrise just South <br />of Rustic Lane. It will be put on a full basement and a double garage will <br />be moved in at a later date. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to recommend approval of the variance. Seconded by Mrs. <br />Schwankl. There was discussion as to the building inspector's comments on <br />this building and Mr. Schumacher said he had not heard any negative comments. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item on the agenda was a variance for Stanley & Wendy Brown for the <br />moving of a house from on Main Street to a location on 77th Street East Highway <br />#8. Mayor Gourley reported this house contains 864 square feet and is a well <br />constructed home and all rooms meet City codes. The garage will not be moved. <br />This is to be moved into an area of housing mixtures and some are similar in <br />construction to this one. <br />This variance is for a lot split and a home that contains less than the <br />required square footage. There was some concern on an existing shed - the <br />general consensus was this shed would probably have to be moved. Mr. Prokop <br />moved to recommend approval of this variance to divide the lot according the <br />attached survey and to allow this house to be moved onto this lot. Seconded <br />by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. <br />� <br />The next item to be considered was a suggestion of Brian Dobie's for the splitt- <br />ing of Lots S & T and the rezoning of A & Q. Mr. Dobie proposed to combine <br />these two lots and then split them into three lots with at least the required <br />2 acres and more than the requiredfront footage.] <br />
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