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06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />June 18, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning aan Zoning Board was called to <br />� <br />rder at 7:30 P.M. on June 18, 1980 by Chirman Reinert. Members present; Heath, <br />ocy, Prokop, Absent: Johnson, Schwankl, Bathke. <br />The minutes of the April 16, 1980 meeting was considered. Mr. Prokop moved to <br />approve. Seconded by Mr. Heath. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bathke arrived. <br />The minutes of the May 21, 1980 meeting was considered. On the special use <br />permit for Mr. Sulander should have read' pae3, with the expiration date of <br />July 1, 1981, with no renewal' Mr. Heath moved to approve the minutes with <br />the correction. Seconded by Mr„ Bathke. Motion carried unanimoulsy. <br />The first item was discussion on an item from Rudy Tschida. Mr. Reinert asked <br />Mr. Schumacher for comment. Mr. Schumacher said this is for information only. <br />Mr. Tschida located the property and the fact that he has a tool and die shop <br />and he wants to construct a building at that location. This land is located <br />just North of the Woodshed. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan suggestes that <br />this area be zoned for multi - family. It was noted that this operation would <br />require a zoning change. <br />i <br />Mr. Tschida said the building would contain 5,000/12,000 decorative block <br />building of approximately 14 feet in height for his shop. He would purchase <br />the necessary land area for this operation. He is presently located in Shore- <br />view. PN, <br />W' .. j, <br />Doocy noted that an Industrial`is now being developed on Lilac Street <br />would he consider locating in that area? Mr. Tschida said his people are sp,had <br />out and he is trying to stay centrally located. After some discussion, it was <br />learned this is the property owner by V.S. Petersen and is the part of the lot <br />nearest Highway 8 directly in front of the Earth home he has constructed on <br />Rice Lake. <br />Mr. Tschida indicated there, is no noise, no pollution, a maximum of 15 employees, <br />they work 10 hour days, 5 or 6 days per week. He would be purchasing 500 feet <br />bordering Highway #8 with a 300 foot depth. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested a tentative approval of this with Mr. Short being con- <br />sulted for his comments. The general consensus of the Board was that Mr. <br />Tschida should proceed in this manner. <br />The next item on the agenda was a request for a variance by Mr. Roger Kolstad. <br />This deals with the ordinance prohibiting large metal buildings in a residential <br />area. Mr. Kolstad is requesting the variance in connection with the construction <br />of hangers in Lino Air Park. <br />Mr. Bathke felt the ordinance had been directed at keeping the large metal type <br />pole building out of residentaial areas and was not directed at the Air Park. <br />Mr. Reinert asked, why the metal type building? and Mr. Kolstad said cost, <br />IIIintenance and duriability. There was discussion on the construction of these <br />ilding. Mr. Schumacher presented the requirements as set forth in the State <br />Building Code. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if the colors could be controlled? Mr. Kolstad said there is <br />
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