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06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />June 18, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />hitectural committee that must approve any structure proposed for the Air <br />k. He aslo stated there are covenants on the deeds covering the construction <br />in this area. <br />Mr. Reinert wanted the restrictions put in written form. Mr. Heath felt this <br />was completely unnecessary since the Council must review all such building permit <br />Mr. Kolstad suggested this Board put a restriction on the maximum number of <br />square feet the building may contain, specify colored metal and let the Building <br />Inspector handle it from that point. <br />Mr. Reinert said it is necessary to establish a set of standard in order to <br />avoid returning to the Council for each building. <br />Mr. Bathke referred to the specifications set forth in the State Building Code - <br />suggested that the construction requirements be worked out from this set of <br />standards and presented to the Council. Mr. Bathke moved to recommend approval <br />of this variance with the following stipulations; the building in the Air Park <br />not to exceed 3200 square feet, be in Earth tone colored metal - conform to the <br />State Builing Code classification B3 - Mr. Kolstad and Mr. Schumacer to put this <br />into language for the Council. Seconded by Mr. Heath . <br />Mr. Prokop asked about the deed restrictions and Mr. Kolstad read the covenants <br />on the lots; 1 home -O03 car garage and 1 detached utility building - must be <br />approved by the architectural committed. This is part of every deed. <br />41, Bathke amended his motion to state; attached hangers must be of the same <br />ing as the house. Mr. Heath accepted the amendment. Motion carried unanimosl <br />Mr. Prokop asked about the term of development and Mr. Kolstad thought in 3 to <br />4 years it should be completed. The Air strip is in and this was an important <br />factor. <br />Mr. Forest Tagg's special use permit application was considered. Mr. Schumacher <br />explained this is an expansion to an existing special use permit. Mr. Tagg is <br />asking to add a 5000 square food' storage building - pole type. <br />Mr. Tagg explained that his business had grown to the point that he needs more <br />storage space. Mr. Tagg explained that approximately 95% of his work is done <br />out of the area. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that by the issuance of the special use permit it is <br />basically a rezone to Light Industrail. There was some discussion as to what <br />has been planned for his location in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Reiner <br />suggested that this Board not try to project what will happen in the future. <br />Mr. Tagg explained he still has plans for the motel that had originally planned <br />for that location. <br />Mr. Bathke moved to grant the expansion of the special use permit to permit the <br />construction of a 120x50 feet warehouse and this area be considered for Light <br />01 ustrial zoning at a later date. Seconded by Mr. Prokop . Motion carried. <br />Mr. Mike Huberty appeared to present the Shenandoah II plat for consideration. <br />This is an old plat that has been approved buTthe time span for filing has <br />•lasped so it must go through the process again. Mr. Schumacher pointed out <br />
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