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06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />June 18, 1980 <br />Page Three <br />t at the utilitiesVare not shown on this plat and must be included. Ain there <br />2.9 acres of land for the park requirements and this adjoins the park in <br />enandoah I. The general consensus of the Board was they could see not problems <br />other than the need to include the utilities. <br />Mr. Heath moved to recommend to the Council approval of this plat and a public <br />hearing be set with the stipulation that the utilities be added to the plat. <br />Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A special use permit for Mrs. Sharon Hill was considered. Mrs. Hill lives on <br />Main street and is asking for a special use permit to sell soft crafts from her <br />home - silk flowers, yars, etc. She had obtained all signatures except one. <br />In answer to a question about a sign, she said possibly one with just the house <br />numbers. Mr. Heath moved to recommend to the Council approval of this special <br />use permit. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried unanimously. The review on <br />this permit will be July 1, 1981. <br />Mr. Alvin Roetman had applied for a special use permit for the keeping a horse <br />and a pony on less than 5 acres of land. Mr. Schuma1cer pointed out there have <br />been several requests along these same lines', the Council has tabled consideration <br />of these requests until the Special Committee has had a change to study this. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested that any action on this request be delayed until the <br />Council has had a chance to establish the guide lines, Mr. Heath loved to table <br />this request. Seconded by Mr. Bathke. Motion carried unanimously. <br />411. Dirers asked to speak on this subject. She lives on 81st Street W and felt <br />t the acreage on that street is not large enough to contain large animals - <br />the horses are ridden on private property and she is opposed to the granting of <br />any such special use permits in that area. <br />Mr. George Drier asked about the ordinance that was just passed. Mayor Gourley <br />explained that animals may be kept on 10 acres - 5 acres or more by special use <br />permit only. Mr. Drier suggested some one might decide to raise hogs - Mayor <br />Gourley said that is prohibited. Mayor Gourley pointed out there are no pro- <br />visions in the ordinance for animals to be kept on parcels of less than 5 acres. <br />Mr. Perkins said he had o specific Complaint - just that he felt horses become <br />a resident of the neighborhood as they are very visable. He felt any special use <br />permit that is issued should be closely watched with the possibility of cancell- <br />ation of the permit. <br />Mrs. Linda Carlson said she had a deep concern over the hostility, harassment <br />and threats. There have been horses galloping throughThe yard leaving big holes. <br />She felt there is no place for the horses to be ridden since the lots are heavily <br />wooded and some quite low spots. And there is very little suitable lands for <br />pasture. She is opposed to having animals on that street. <br />The Clerk was instructed to be sure these comments were in these minutes and <br />the Committee appointed by Mayor Gourley gets a copy of the minutes. <br />special use permit request by Mr. Pithsert for permission to sell used cars from <br />home on Ash Street was considered. This type of business falls into <br />commercial zoning - Mr. Peislt has ag /Res zoning. <br />Mr. Peisert said he would hove no more that to 3 cars there ar any one time. He <br />has all signatures except, and presented a letter from Mr. Jester who had no <br />
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