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05/21/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/21/1980 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 3:05:48 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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May 21, 1980 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />-der at 7:30 P.M. Members present; Reinert, Porkop, Doocy, Bathke, Heath. <br />Johnson will be late, Mrs. Schwankl was absent. <br />The minutes of April 16, 1980 was considered. Mrs. Schwankl arrived. Mr. <br />Reinert could not locate.' his copy of the P &Z minutes. <br />Mr. Schumacher was asked for a report of Council actions. He reported on the <br />request of MarDon for rezoning to R2. No action was taken on this matter due <br />to the absence of a letter of credit for that development. This matter will <br />be handled at that time. <br />Mr. Prokop questioned the statement concerning the mining permit - P &Z does <br />not have to review this type of permit. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on the ordinance amendment dealing with the accessory <br />buildings. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on the request of the Council in reference to <br />Scheunemann's Corner. They had requested that this be shown in a manner that <br />would allow the future splitting of those interior lots. This is being done. <br />The Tim Rehbine request for a variance to the side yard set back was denied <br />and Mr. Rehbine was requested to acquire additional land to meet this requirement. <br />The special Use permit request of Mr. Michael Kenney was approved. Mr. Gehrman <br />was asked for additional information. Skyline Autobody special use permit <br />.s approved. The mobile home request by Mr. Illg was denied, <br />Mr. Doocy questioned Ord. #73 - what is it? Mayor Gourley explained this is <br />a combination of #26 and 26A - these two will be repealed and #73 written to <br />replace them. This deals with the keeping of animals. <br />The first item on the agenda was Mr. Lyndal Nelson. Mr. Schumacher explained <br />that Mr. Nelson had applied for a variance to side yard setbacks due to the <br />fact that his home was constructed too near the line. There was discussion <br />on the fact that Mr. Nelson had applied previous and had been denied and does <br />not feel that he should pay the fee the second time. <br />Mr. Nelson said he did not feel that Mr. Mobley did his job. Mr. Nelson ex- <br />plained the front stake was lined up with the wrong stake on the rear of the <br />lot. Mr. Nelson indicated that he felt that this was the responsibility of <br />the building inspector to make sure this house was placed in the proper place. <br />Mr. Reinert and Mr. SChumacher informed Mr. Nelson that this is not the <br />responsibility of the building inspector - he has neither the time not the <br />staff to survey each lot to assure that the house is placed properly. This <br />house is constructed to within 6 inches of the property line. Mr. Nelson has <br />not had this surveyed so he is not sure of this measurement. This problem was <br />not dicsovered until the house next door was being staked for excavation. <br />The possibility of Mr. Nelsoipurchasing additional footage from his neighbor <br />It s been discussed, but Mr. Nelson felt this was undue expense to him, and <br />uld cause his neighbor's land to have less value. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if this lot line is adjusted, what will this do to the set- <br />back of the house next to him? Mr. Schumacher suggested an angle transfer to <br />give Mr. Nelson additional frontage and the man next door additional footage <br />in the rear. <br />
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