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05/21/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/21/1980 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 3:05:48 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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May 21, 1980 <br />Planning and Zoning <br />- Page, Three- <br />Stanley was asked if he had contacted the property owner whose lands had <br />n suggested for an exchange in this matter. <br />Mr. Stanley said he had contacted Mr. Hendricksen and he seemed to have no <br />objections. Mr. Heath felt the lands designated as Light Inustrial should <br />remain or be replaced with the like amount. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to deny this request and leave at LI, Seconded by Mr. Doocy. <br />Motion carried with Mrs. Schwankl voting, No. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council that the lands to the North and <br />West of Lilac & 4th Avenue be considered as LI. Seconded by Mr. Doocy. <br />Motion carried. <br />The special use permit for Teresa Krysinski of 7830 Lake Drive for the operation <br />of a used vehicle lot. Teresa Krysinski appeared before the Planning and <br />Zoning Board and briefly explained the operation. The Planning and Zoning <br />requested some drawings and information concerned with the adjoining property <br />owners, streets, Comprehensive Plan conformance. The Planning and Zoning had <br />tabled this matter until the information is available. <br />Mr. Robert Turenne of 1282 W. 81st Street had applied for a variance to keep <br />a horse on 2.53 acres. A letter signed by seven of the adjacent property <br />owners that says they have no objections. The Planning and Zoning Board had <br />recommended to the Council approval of this request. <br />IIIspecial use permit request from Robert Sulander of 7384 Lake Drive for <br />mporary storage - exterior. Five adjacent property owners had signed his <br />petition - needs four more. The parcel of approximately 3 acres is zoned <br />commercial/ residential. The Comprehensive Land Plan calls for Multi - family. <br />The zoning ordinance calls for this type of operation be in a LI area. The <br />Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval of this special use permit, <br />This exterior storage included used construction materials. This permit t - <br />ic- e r- sa —ann A7 ha.&ths . j, L :. SL -7 I, !gd ( ��ti L 0 <br />-uE-c-rez.1 <br />The special use permit of Mr. Henry Suchy of 6620 -20th Ave. for the keeping <br />of 2 hogs, 150 fryer, 30 geese, 20 ducks, 75 laying hens, 6 head of cattle, <br />50/100 rabbits. There is three signatures of surrounding property owners. Mr. <br />Locher had said that what ever had existed at the time of transfer could <br />continue. There is only 265 front footage and a farm requires 300. Mr. <br />Nadeau said he only had dogs, cats and horses at the time of the sale. If this <br />is under a residential zone, Ord. #56 said that you cannot keep animals in a <br />residential zone or if it is considered under anflagricultural zone, then the <br />Ord. states there must be a 300' frontage. After a lenghly discussion, the <br />Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of this special use permit. Mr. <br />Nadeau had presented a new petition and there are conflicting signatures - some <br />of the signatures appeared on both petitions. <br />The application of James R. Schilling to rezone of Lot 24,25, 26, & 27 in <br />Wollans' Estates from Crom Res to LI, this is in error - should read from <br />Comm. to General Business. The first 300' of these lots are currently zoned <br />ommercial'- this application is to rezone any portion of these lots beyond <br />e 300'. The Comprehensive Plan shows this as commercial and the lots sizes <br />are in conformance. The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval of <br />this rezoning request. <br />/ <br />
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