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04/02/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/02/1980 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 4:44:53 PM
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7/21/2014 1:58:31 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />pecial Meeting <br />Aril 2, 1980 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mr.Reinert at 7:30 P.m. Members present <br />Heath, Johnson,Bathke, Schwankl. Absent; Prokop, Doocy. <br />Mr. Reinert noted that at the regular meeting there had not been a quorum <br />but general information and direction had been given to the persons who <br />had attended that meeting. <br />The minutes of the meetings held for consideration of the Comprehensive <br />Land Use Plan was considered. Mr. Heath discussed a point brought up at <br />the February. 18, 1980 meeting by a resident who disagreed with the multi- <br />family residential expansion of the Plan. (This comment is on page three <br />of the Feb. 18, 1980 minutes.) Mr. Heath moved to approve the minutes to <br />include the above point. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion declared passed. <br />The minutes of February 27, 1980 were considered. Mr. Heath moved to <br />approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Bathke. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />Mr. Schumacher gave the members copies of the minutes that had been typed <br />from the regular scheduled meeting held on March 19, 1980. <br />The miutes of February 20, 1980 was considered. Mr. Reinert noted that <br />on page two, last paragraph should be changed to read "the South side of <br />antern Lane" Mr. Heath moved to accept the minutes with the above <br />correction. Seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. Motion declared passed. <br />c� F <br />/17.4 t ', /Gi, /IA' <br />These minutes,,rare for Board member informational purposes only and do not <br />require approval. <br />Mr. Reinert turned the meeting over to Mr. Schumacher for presentation of <br />the items to be considered this evening. <br />Mr. Robert Koch had appeared: asking advice on the possibility of extending <br />his garage to the property line or transferring 5' from his son's property <br />in order to maintain the 5' setback requirement. <br />The general consensus of the Planning and Zoning Board was that the 5' <br />should be added and Mr. Koch should proceed with the variance request for <br />the transfer of this 5 feet. <br />The Lino Industraial Park was considered. This plat has complied with all <br />requirements. The plat will be developed in phases and this approval is <br />only for the first phase. This phase will include lots 1 through 2, Alk 2, <br />Lots 1 through 6, Block 1. Mr. Heath moved to approve this Phase 1 <br />portion of the plat, seconded by Mr. Bathke. Mr. Heath added, recommend <br />to the City Counril that a public hearing be set on this. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />•Mr. Schumacher reviewed the application of Mr. Mordaunt for rezoning of <br />the Carriage House Stable. This would require a 'Light Industrial' <br />designation. The orginal request was for the rezoning of the entire 60 <br />acres. Mr. Schumacher was concerned about rezoning this entire acreage <br />tothe LI zoning and the fact there are no controls set forth for the <br />operation of this lab. Mr. Hurchion, of the Anoka County Healt/,Department <br />
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