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04/02/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/02/1980 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 4:44:53 PM
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7/21/2014 1:58:31 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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View plain text and Zoning Board <br />Special Meeting <br />•ril 2, 1980 <br />was to have met with Mr. Schumacher to inspect this operation, but had <br />been unable to keep the appointment. The representatives were not present <br />at this time but do plan on attending this meeting.,. <br />The representative of this firm arrived and there was some discussion as <br />to the locations of the proposed lab. There was also discussion of the <br />several alternatives that could be required. Mr. Schumacher has planned <br />to inspect the current facilities of this firm. <br />There was discussion on the problems that could result in the future if <br />the entire acreage is zoned LI and should this operation decide to sell. <br />The maps were consulted and several alternatives to the area to be rezoned. <br />If the lands are divided to include the existing buildings, this would <br />be approximately 32 acres to be rezoned to LI. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to table this request until the next meeting in order <br />to give Mr. Schumacher time to inspect this operation and to allow time <br />for the correction of the acreage requested to be zoned. It is also <br />necessary to prepare a corrected map of the area. Seconded by Mr. Heath. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mrs. Schwankl asked to be excused from the discusssion on the request for <br />the installation of a mobile home on five acres of land. Mr. Schumacher <br />Iliad received a letter on this matter which will be taken to the City <br />ouncil for discussion on April 14, 1980. <br />The Planning and Zoning Members rquested Mr.Schumacher to read the letter <br />he had received from Mr. & Mrs. Illg. This letter asks for a change in <br />the City Ordinance which prohibits mobile homes on private land. They <br />felt the ordinance discriminates and is unjust because it does not consider <br />special circumstances. <br />The general consensus of this Board was that in order for the request to <br />be granted, the Ordinance must be changed and that must be done by Council <br />actions. He was advised to take this to the City Council for their <br />consideration. <br />Mr. Doocy arrived, and Mr. Reinert called for a five minutes recess. <br />The meeting was resumed. The next item to be considered was a variance <br />request$ from Mr. George Meadows for a driveway of over 300 feet. Mr. <br />Schumacher presented the request. Mr. Meadows has forty acres of land <br />bordering 24th Avenue and will be constructing a new home on this land. <br />Mr. Schumacher felt that since the policy of this City has been to allow <br />long driveways, perhaps the Planning and Zoning should take a look at this <br />portion of the ordinance for possible change. <br />Mr.$$humacher's recommendation is to approve this variance with the <br />stipulation that this driveway be maintained by Mr. Meadows and that this <br />remain as a private driveway. The City will not be responsibile for the <br />upkeep of this driveway. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance <br />request contingent upon the closing date of April 15, 1980, with the <br />stipulations that this is a private driveway and must be maintained by the <br />
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