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03/19/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/19/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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'Planning and Zoning Board <br />OKrn,� <br />.March 19, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />by Chairman Reinert on March 19, 1980. Members present;Doocy, Heath. <br />Absent; Prokop, Schwankl, Johnson, Bathke. <br />The minutes of Feb. 20, 1980 were held for lack of a quorum. Mr. Reinert <br />asked Mr. Schumacher to bring the Board up to date on the first item on <br />the agenda. <br />Mr. Schumacher asked Mr. Koch how far his present garage was from the <br />property line at the present time and Mr. Koch said 10 feet. Mr. <br />Schumacher asked if he was only planning to add 5' and Mr. Koch said he <br />wasn't sure - may need another two feet and this would bring the garage <br />within 3' of the lot line. Mr. Schumacher asked how far his son's house <br />was from this garage and Mr. Koch said about 35'. Mr. Schumacher said <br />these are two parcels of land - both lots are old lots. There is two <br />alternatives; to either allow the garage to be built up to the lot line <br />or allow the one lot to transfer 5' to the other lot. One lot would have <br />a frontage of 95' and the other 105'. Considering the lots are of record <br />and they are both over the one acre, Mr. Schumacher recommended that a <br />variance be granted for the transfer of the 5' and that the westerly lot <br />maintain a 5' side yard setback on the garage. There has been no paper <br />work done on this matter. Mr. Koch was asked to apply for a variance for <br />the transfer of this parcel. <br />w ince there is not a quorum at this meeting, Mr. Reinert asked if there <br />were other items on the agenda of this nature. <br />Mr. Schumacher said the only other item was an item scheduled for 9:15 P.M <br />by Mr. Petersen and he is not present at this time. <br />The only item was the request for putting a mobile home on five acres of <br />land and this is not possible under the City ordinances. All other items <br />require some sort of action. <br />Mr. Reinert looked at the Lino Industrial Park plat and felt that most <br />of the requests had been complied with. <br />Mr. Schumacher said this plat will be done in phases with the lots along <br />Lilac to be platted first. They have met all the requirements set forth <br />by the Engineer and the-Planner and has met the Park requirement. <br />The concensus of the Board was this seemed to be in order and felt there <br />was no reason it should not be approved. <br />The next item to be considered was a request for a variance for a long <br />driveway. There was discussion of why a variance was required for a long <br />driveway and if there is not an easier way to handle this matter. <br />Mr. Schumacher felt this request was valid in that the house is to be <br />�uilt on the high portion of the land and this is beyond the legal limits <br />as required by City Ordinance. <br />Mr. Reinert questioned the absence of the members had they called? Mr. <br />Schumacher said Mr. Prokop had called to say he would be unable to attend <br />
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