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03/19/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/19/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />. March 19, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />411this meeting and Mrs. Schwankl had called to say she probably would hot <br />be able to attend. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Bathke had not called. <br />Mr. Reinert recessed the meeting and Mr. Schumacher had called these <br />two members and when the meeting was reconvened, Mr. Reinert said they <br />could not be reached. He asked Mr. Schumacher to review the items one <br />by one for their information. <br />Mr. Schumacher said the Industrial Park had been reviewed in detail. <br />All things are in order and only needs the approval of this Board to move <br />on for Council consideration. The next Planning and Zoning is scheduled <br />for April 16, 1980. Mr. SChilling asked if there was a possibility of a <br />special meeting. Mr. Reinert said not at this time but this can be dis- <br />cussed later in the meeting and if such a meeting is scheduled, he will <br />be notified. <br />The next item to be discussed was a request for a variance for a long <br />driveway. Mr. Schumacher felt this presented no problems and this request <br />could be approved. The people were reminded that maintenance of this <br />driveway would be their respohsibility. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the preliminary plat from El Rehbein & Son for <br />Lakes Addition #6. This plat has been sent to the - Planner and the <br />Engineer. Mr. Short has responded but Mr. Gotwald has not. The property <br />fli ti ✓L oes correct zoning and meets all requirement, meets with the requirements <br />f the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The only question was in reference <br />to a 30' easement on Lots lthrough 6. Mr. Blackbird said this is because <br />of the lay of the land and is for drainage purposes. Mr. Schumacher <br />said the easement area cannot be a part of the lot, therefore that square <br />footage would have to be deducted from the overall lot square footage. <br />Mr. Reinert questioned the location of the lift station - does this affect <br />the plat. The land that is occupied by the lift station has been deducted. <br />The only change suggested was in reference to the drainage easement being <br />deducted from the overall lot dimensions. <br />The next item to be considered was the request for a rezoning. This is <br />the request submitted by the Carriage House Stables. The company is <br />planning on using the existing facilities for the same purposes as now. <br />The only addition would be a small labortory for the breeding and testing <br />of small animals. There would be less than 6 employees. Mr. Schumacher <br />said he would like to have these people meet with the State and the County <br />Health Department. He would like to review this operation with the PCA <br />and County in regards to the possibilities of a health problem being <br />created by this lab. <br />Mr. Roy Mourdant stated that the lab is run by Mr. Jim Kinsey. Mr. Reiner <br />asked if he felt there was any problems meeting with the PCA and Health <br />Department in establishing the possibilities of creating a pollution <br />roblem. <br />Mr. Kinsey said he had been working with these bodies and felt a letter <br />to the City as to their concerns would be written. <br />Mr. Schumacher said he felt the Planning Commission should write letter <br />
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