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02/27/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/27/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Comprehensive Land U11, Plan Hearing <br />.Fe'bruary 27{ 1980 <br />Page Two <br />• <br />41, he possibility of changes having to be made in this plan was discussed. <br />r. Short felt these changes could be made by hand . <br />Mr. Short continued with the hou sing portion. a change has been made in <br />reference to the smaller homes allowed on an expermintal basis. Noting <br />this is to be evaluated after one year. This would allow 15% of the homes <br />to contain less that the required 1000 square feet. <br />There was also a change in the wording in reference to the low cost/ <br />modest income housing to be allowed. The suggested change would read <br />'has' instead of 'may' in reference to the number of such homes to be <br />constructed. There was discussion on this and reference was made to a <br />previous motion on this matter. Mr. Prokop moved to approve this change. <br />Seconded by Mr. Heath. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Short recommended that the lot requirements in a sewered area be re- <br />duced from 11,250 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. for up to 15% of any develop- <br />ment. On page 46, Implementation Program #1, eliminate the last sentence. <br />Another recommended change in the rural residential, would be one unit <br />on one acre lots with a density of one unit per 10 acres. <br />The Planning Commission moved, seconded and passed the following motions: <br />1. That the Planning Commission formally accept this plan to include <br />the twenty (20) revisions listed by the Planner, and <br />That this plan officially replace other previews plans as a guide <br />o City growth. <br />Mr. Short reviewed the changes as proposed for this plan. <br />Mr. Reinert presented his theory dealing with the Chairman's options of <br />voting on issues and stated that in the future he would only chair the <br />meetings and would not take an active role in voting. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Aye. <br />• <br />
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