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02/20/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/20/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zorn" Board <br />411 February 20, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />• <br />r. Tschida said this had been submitted to Anoka County and their <br />comments should be on file. The set backs of the building was discussed. <br />Mr. Tschida agreed to go back and redesign this plat according to the <br />recommendations of the Planner and Engineer. He will be on the March <br />agenda. <br />Mr. Doocey moved to table any action on this matter until the March <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. Heath. Motion carried unanimously. <br />El Rehebein request for a variance for a driveway of over 300' feet was <br />considered. This is necessitated by a low area in the front of the lot <br />and the best buildable site is on the rear portion of the lot. <br />Mr. Heath moved to approve this variance with the stipulations that the <br />maintenance of the driveway is the responsibility of the land owner and <br />must be dept open for emergency vehicles at all times. Seconded by Mrs. <br />Schwankl. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Scheunemann appeared before the Board with a proposal for a plat and <br />asked for the feasibility of this plat. This land is located at Ware <br />Road and 62nd street. <br />•Mr. Scheunemannalso wants to construct his own home and asked if this can <br />be done before the plat is filed. <br />•here was discussion of the exclusion of the power line easement - this <br />may not be included in the overall land area of the lots. As to the <br />construction of his personal home, this matter would have to be cleared <br />with the Council. The Board advised Mr. Scheunemann to prepare a pre- <br />liminary plat for their consideration. He was also informed that Park <br />dedication or money would be a part of this consideration. <br />Mr. Kopec appeared before the Board to discuss the extension of Baldwin <br />Lake Road. This would be beyond the existing maintained portion of that <br />street. It was generelly felt this is not a dedicated City street. Mr. <br />Kopec is interested in lands owned by Mr. Reed. If this street is to be <br />installed, it will have to be done by the land owner. This City will not <br />extend the street. <br />Mr. Richard Barret's request for permission to store three automobiles <br />in the rear of his garage was considered. Mr. Barret had obtained the <br />signatures of four persons who had no objections to this request. He was <br />informed the charge for a permit would be $5.00 per year. Mr. Barret <br />plans to restore these cars. <br />Mr. Heath moved to approve this storage permit. Seconded by Mr. Doocy. <br />with the stipulation that only three vehicles - 67 Buick, 67 Ford and a <br />73 Mustang. Motion declared passed. <br />1 Rehbein presented a feasibility plat for the g- h side of Lantern Lane <br />at is part of the Outlots. This contains 11 lots and would be platted <br />for single family residences. Mr. Blackbird asked if there is any special <br />requirements for the platting of these lots, and the general consensus of <br />
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