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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JUNE 27, 2001 <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br />A. Ryan/Target/Target Super Store/Update/ Brian Wessel — Wessel reviewed that on <br />July 11 the Planned Development Overlay (PDO) and Preliminary Plan was going to the <br />Planning and Zoning Board in its complete form. The wetland mitigation process was <br />going to be discussed at the July 25 Watershed District meeting. <br />Donlin stated the project had been a package from the beginning, so it had been difficult <br />to have effective comments. Wessel answered the developers' response was it was the <br />only shopping center zoned in the City, so the developer wanted to maximize the use of <br />the area. The Council would make the final decision if the project is appropriate for the <br />City. <br />Chair Lanyon indicated that there have been no major changes, so there was no need for <br />further discussion. He summed up that the Board wants Ryan/Target to maximize the <br />environmental amenities, and that the Board wanted to comment on the Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet when the comments were in. <br />Trehus asked the reason for putting the project on the agenda twice. k Wessel indicated <br />that the Environmental Assessment Worksheet could be commented on in this section if <br />the Board wished. <br />Trehus stated the Board could comment on the Environrmental Assessment Worksheet <br />itself. Wessel submitted that it would go to Council on July 23, 2001. <br />Trehus inquired about a newspaper article that t'eited tax abatement for the project. <br />Wessel stated through the public participation project of three- quarters of a million with <br />options to pay for tax abatement, and only the'ity's portion would be deferred. <br />Donlin noted it is $450,000 of tax abatement yeairy for 15 years. She asked if tax <br />the developer has requested a subsidy <br />explained that the developer, Ryan Companies <br />tining one year ago. <br />increment was involved. Wesselespon <br />because the market was premature,` " °' <br />was seeking tax abatement from the <br />Trehus reviewed that the impact of his development necessitated wetland abatement, and <br />asked if the situatio had' hanged according to the Environmental Assessment <br />Worksheet. Mt Payn answered questions asked about previous activity in the area. <br />According to the,aerial photographs taken prior to the construction of Interstate 35W, <br />showed the highway4 neatly impacted the tamarack forest that was present at the time. <br />�s flyµ <br />Trehus notect,the tees had been maintained, but the impact from the volumes remained <br />unknown. 'e urged an analysis be performed. Mr. Payton explained the stormwater <br />runoff rates and water quality were under the review of Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />and it was their decision, not the City's. <br />2 <br />