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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JUNE 27, 2001 <br />Trehus indicated the Watershed District was reviewing their standards, and only dealt <br />with average rainfall but the lakes would be impacted. He indicated he spoke to <br />representatives at the Watershed District who agreed with his recommendation. Mr. <br />Payton responded that the request was moot, because the Watershed District was the <br />qualified party to deal with those issues. <br />Trehus pointed out that the Watershed District did not have the financial resources to do <br />the study. Mr. Payton answered that the Watershed District regularly reviews their <br />standards. <br />Chair Lanyon explained that the study would be relevant to the City. <br />Trehus urged the Board to make the recommendation, and let the Council decide, for an <br />analysis using computer modeling on the increased volume of runoff into George Watch <br />Lake. Chair Lanyon agreed and added the message the Board wants to send is that a <br />study needed to be done, and given the size of the project, with the impact remaining <br />unknown, it needed to be addressed explicitly. <br />Mr. Payton stated that issues such as infiltration, ponding, retainmen <br />all being dealt with by the Watershed District. <br />treatment were <br />Asleson explained all responsibility for the impact should not be placed on the Ryan <br />Target project. He commented that the Watershed District had studies on the lower but <br />not the upper part of the district. <br />Chair Lanyon commented that the Board wanted to ensure the Watershed District <br />specifically addressed the impact of volumes. <br />Trehus noted the report, which had been submitted, showed significant phosphorus <br />loading. <br />Kukonen stated all the numbers and'studies were still pending, and the Board did not <br />know what the Watershed District was dealing with. Chair Lanyon reiterated that the <br />message to the Council would be that because of the scope of the project, the issue of <br />water volumes of runoff needed to be addressed specifically. <br />Mr. Payton explained that the public value credit and the creation of the wetland were <br />already planned.' Chair Lanyon indicated the issues of concern for the Board were the <br />water volume and Water quality issues. <br />Donlin assured Mr. Payton that the Board appreciated the graciousness in which he had <br />dealt with the criticisms of the Board, however, the Environmental Assessment <br />Worksheet caused the Board to have some real concerns about the impact of the project. <br />She indicated that compromises occurred all the way down the Mississippi River. <br />