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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JUNE 27, 2001 <br />Trehus noted that the draft Environmental Assessment Worksheet stated the impact on <br />wetlands and George Watch Lake is unknown at this time. <br />Trehus moved that the Environmental Board recommends an analysis be conducted to <br />determine the impacts of water volumes and water quality on the Chain of Lakes, George <br />Watch Lake, and nearby wetlands. This analysis should utilize computer modeling, and <br />if the Watershed District is unable to provide this it may be appropriate that the applicant <br />contribute financially. Donlin seconded the motion. <br />Kukonen inquired, and Trehus submitted that he did not initiate the discussion of <br />computer modeling, but someone from the Watershed District mentioned it. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />O'Connell indicated the Environmental Board was concerned with what the City was <br />losing, and inquired about environmental education possibilities. <br />Wessel stated that the subject was in review. The final decision would be in the Planning <br />and Zoning Board meeting. The Environmental Board would have to respond in the next <br />meeting. He offered that the document be sent to the Environmental Board the same time <br />it would be sent to the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Trehus pointed out that the Environmental Board had not seen the project for two <br />months. Wessel responded that the most recent updates had been shown to the Board. <br />Mr. Payton explained that he had been meeting with the Ryan representatives, and they <br />had commitments from a bank and the adjacent stores.,-, Grochala noted he had been <br />working on open space, pedestrian traffic, signage, lighting, power, and impacts on <br />adjacent properties. <br />Trehus asked if it would be possible to find swage which could be used as a model. <br />Donlin expressed concern that the ne 'tenants might not be aware of the concerns of the <br />Environmental Board „Aesthetically, speaking, the beauty and vegetation needed to be <br />brought together. She inquired with tax abatements, could the representatives of the <br />project assure the Br ardthat the recommendations on vegetation would be followed <br />through., °:..:° <br />Wessel indicated that there were no ordinances to dictate, but assured the Board that <br />these issues were,beindnegotiated, and that Ryan had made a commitment to reflect the <br />character of the City. <br />B. 8075 20th Avenue N. — Asleson reviewed the background on the project. The <br />homeowner wanted to build an unattached garage in a lake protection zone and 100 -year <br />floodplain. He recommended checking with the Rice Creek Watershed District to ensure <br />no wetlands would be impacted. There was no proposed size of the garage, but there <br />4 <br />