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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JULY 18, 2001 <br />trees," but the City had zoned it for commercial. The total volume of runoff leaving the site <br />would increase. <br />Staff indicated it would be difficult to separate out and measure the future potential impacts <br />and its contribution to global impacts. <br />Chair Lanyon stated his concern was the precedent the City was setting with those <br />statements. Grochala responded that the City had only one commercial district zoned, but <br />acknowledged the necessity for word usage to inhibit ambiguity on subsequent projects that <br />would come before the City. <br />Chair Lanyon noted the rate was not going to change, but the volumes could be accepted <br />for the specific project, then inquired about comments from the Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency or the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Grochala explained <br />the comments of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources were similar to the <br />Watershed District. <br />Grundhofer asked if they were planning to remove the soil and replace it. Grochala <br />answered that with peat soils, they would excavate and fill with more suitable soil. <br />O'Connell stated on p.10 section 20011.18 at the top right there was a map showing the <br />boring locations. Grochala noted that it must be worth it to Target. A' discussion followed <br />on the parking lot ratios versus a parking ramp. <br />Kukonen noted 1,747 parking spaces in the plan, and inquired if they lost any. Grochala <br />stated he did not recall the exact number, but it vas reduced. <br />Grundhofer asked where the soil would go after was removed, and had concerns about <br />compression of the soil. Asleson indicated it was addressed in the discussion of infiltration <br />areas. <br />Kukonen reviewed the comment from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources <br />concerning parking in the southeast w 'here =;Wetland A was located. Grochala stated that <br />they had brought the number of parking spaces down to the minimum the City would <br />allow. . 3` <br />Chair Lanyon questioned comments by the Minnesota Department of Transportation on <br />page 4 concerning the Chain of Lakes Park, which was not adjacent, but across the <br />highway. Grochala answered that they look for rate control of runoff onto the highway. <br />Chair Lanyon noted that it was another example of a statement made which could be <br />precedent se ttng. Grochala responded the sentence on top of p. 5 should be eliminated. <br />O'Connell indicated that there was a comment that there would be a loss of bird habitat, but <br />there was no mention of deer. She noted there were many deer in the area, and it would <br />increase accidents with cars. <br />3 <br />