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• <br />ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JULY 18, 2001 <br />Chair Lanyon pointed out on p. 8 the Metropolitan Council was addressing runoff, <br />however, the phosphorus nutrient loading was not mentioned. Grochala responded the City <br />could add it to the agreement. <br />O'Connell mentioned that increasing the diameter of the pipe would also increase the <br />runoff. Grochala answered that they had to meet the two -inch rate requirement, but they <br />would decide how to accomplish it. <br />Grundhofer inquired about the disposal of oil and batteries. Asleson explained that they <br />would be required to direct customers to off site disposals. <br />0' Connell asked about the acres of impervious, noting that in the document it appeared to <br />change several times. Asleson commented that basically the entire area would be <br />disturbed. <br />Grundhofer questioned which plantings would be chosen. Grochala assured her it would be <br />according to the City standards. <br />Grundhofer described how past construction had affected the heron rookery and bald <br />eagle's nest. Chair Lanyon concurred and asked staff to rewrite the section to keep in <br />perspective the volume increase would be accepted in this case. He urged the to <br />move forward with the topic of water volumes of the lakes. <br />Grochala stated that they needed to work with zoning issues. <br />Chair Lanyon indicated that water volumes would have an impact, but the extent would be <br />unquantifiable. Asleson agreed that it would have an impact by destroying the upland and <br />adjusting hydrology. <br />Chair Lanyon suggested that the Board might want o choose option #1 the resolution of a <br />negative declaration, and no need f;un Envirommntal Impact Statement pending approval <br />by the Rice Creek Watershed District. Grochala stated that without these agencies present <br />in the process, an Environmental Impact Statement might be needed. <br />Kukonen expressed concern over stating that there was no significant effect. Chair Lanyon <br />stated that Kukonen had pointed out that #5 should be rewritten to say no impacts were <br />revealed that were not under the jurisdiction of other agencies. <br />Trehus arrived at 6:27 p.m. <br />Chair Lanyon summarized the comments for Trehus. <br />Trehus pointed out that the Metropolitan Council stated on p. 3 third paragraph, last <br />sentence, that there must be an analysis of the impacts on the wetland before a <br />determination could be made. Chair Lanyon responded that the concerns were under the <br />requirements of the Watershed District. <br />5 <br />