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• <br />• <br />Soils and NPDES <br />Soils on the proposed development site are for the most part fine sand and Lake <br />Beach along the Iakeshore. No soils should be imported or exported without City <br />approval. Soils must be protected from compaction and restored if development <br />process changes the soil density. Suggest fencing around the new surface -water <br />treatment areas once established. The preliminary grade plan describes a rock <br />entrance. This rock entrance should be specified as a minimum of 50 -feet. It is <br />suggested to have additional stockpile of rock on hand to top -dress rock entrance <br />as rock entrance becomes filled. Additional notes include conformance to <br />MPCA- NPDES Best Management Practices. This should include an indication <br />from the developer where he will keep his NPDES Plan on site, and where the <br />NPDES inspection sheets will be located. <br />Landscaping <br />A Landscape Plan is included as attachment 11. Several Black Hills Spruce and <br />Red Pine are proposed for screening along Lake Drive. These species will not <br />do well if they are planted in wet areas. Areas in water swales should substitute <br />a plant like Northern White Cedar. If screening is desired along property lines, a <br />detail of this should be submitted. <br />A description of infiltration ponds is given. A more detailed landscape plan should <br />be submitted should be submitted detailing number of plants and type. It is <br />recommended to change species to native, site appropriate species. <br />Groundscaping for the infiltration /pond areas should use a low- profile seed <br />mixture composed of the Cities Native seed mix. A buffer of 10 feet from each <br />property sod area should have a Blue gramma/ low flower seed mix. An erosion <br />control fabric that allows for plant growth should be used in this area. <br />.No cutting of materials is allowed along the shore. <br />Public Education <br />A handout should be given to all property owners describing area nature and <br />treatment features. The education handout should encourage aquascape <br />buffers, and where to go for help on aquascape landscape planning. The <br />handout should also describe wetland and treatment -area signs. <br />Greenways <br />A Greenway corridor with trail was initially (1992) planned to go around the lake <br />between the lake and houses around the lake. This was changed several years <br />ago when the council resolved that there would not be a trail located in this <br />position. Thus the trail will follow the road and eventually hook up back on Lake <br />Env. Bd. Mtg. 1/26/05 <br />Page 4 Item 5B <br />