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PHEASANT STROLL ESTATES <br />STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) <br />and EROSION CONTROL DETAILS <br />Lino Lakes, Minnesota <br />GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL <br />INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE <br />1. The Pemdllee(s) (either the owner or operator) must roulinoy the <br />construction elle once every seven (7) days during active construction, and within <br />24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. <br />2. All inspections and mointenonce conducted during conetrucUon moat be recorded In <br />fling and these records must be retained with he SWPPP n oceodande wan <br />RECORD DETENTION R.caras of each inspection and maintenance activity shall <br />include: snail inane: <br />o. Dote end lime inspections: <br />b. Nome of person(s) conducting inn:salio00; <br />c. Findings of Inspections. including recommendations for corrective 006(000; <br />d Corrective action taken (including dotes, Ines. and party completing <br />mon/enonce 0.6108ea): <br />e. Dote end amount of minfet events greater than 1/2 Inch (0.5 inches) <br />in 24 hops; and <br />L Documentation of changes made to the SWPPP. <br />3. Where parts of the eansroclion the hove undergone final stabilization, but work <br />remain. an ether pans of the site. inspections of the mobilized areas may be <br />reduced to on. per month. Where work has been suspended the to frozen ground <br />condition., the required inspection. and m086000nn must lake Mae en soon Gs <br />runoff occurs et the site or prior to resuming construction. whichever comes find <br />4. All erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs must be 8.0.06ed to ensure <br />Integrity and effectiveness. All nonfunctional BMP. must be repaired, replaced, or <br />supplemented with functional BLIP.. The Pennilee(s) must investigate and comply <br />with the following neee.. and maintenance requMment.. <br />a All sit fences must be repaired, replaced or supplemented when they became <br />nonfunctional (destine teas, detach berm pas. post became dlslddged tram <br />r.p08s must be madesediment within 2reaches ope lof discovery, height r as Boon 69900. <br />e the ft0d These <br />conditions d0• accesses o <br />b. Temporary and permanent sedimentation pan. must be drained and the dimenl <br />.moved then the depth of the sediment clotted in the basin readies 1/2 the <br />storage Tokens Drainage and removal must be completed within 72 hours of <br />discovery or as sop as field conditions Wow ocean. <br />AMENDMENTS TO SWPPP <br />The Pennine.(.) must amend the SWPPP as necessary to holude additional <br />requirernthts, such as addltionol or Identified or a dress situations whenever: <br />lied BMPc, designed to correct problems <br />1. There le 0 change in design. construction, operates, maintenance. nether or <br />nom conditions that has o significant elect on the discharge of poeulants to <br />surface waters or underground enders, <br />2. Inspection. or investigations by M. operators. local, slate or federal of Wale <br />indicate the SWPPP is not effective in Mnentng or signifie0n11y minimizing he <br />discharge of pollutants to wrbee rater. or underground waters or hat he <br />d8enarges are causing water quality standard e0ceedancen. or <br />3. The SWPPP l nal achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in storm <br />water discharges 0.eaclobd with construction actMty, or the SWPPP Is not <br />consistent with the terms and conditions of his perm6L <br />4. Al any time after permit coverage b .90.6(ve, the YWCA may determine that the <br />propel'" storm water dbchages may cause. have reosonoNe potential to come, or <br />contribute to non - attainment of any applicable water quolhy standard. If 149CA <br />makes an a determination, the MPCA ell notify the Pemittes(s) In writing. In <br />response, the Permillea(e) 1110111 4evelap 0 supplemental BMP actin plan or <br />appropriate SWPPP amendments describing SWPPP modl.alians to address the <br />identified concerns and submit information requested by the MPCA. which may <br />Maxie an individual permit application. 11 MPCA'et written notification requires o <br />response, failure to respond within he specified lnehome constitutes a permit <br />violation. <br />FINAL STABILIZATION <br />The Permltee(s) must ensure find alab9ealion of the site. The Pennitee(s) must <br />submit a Notice of Termination within 30 dogs after 0nol slob9izo(on is complete, <br />or another owner /operator (Permlttee) has assumed control over dl areas of the <br />site that hove not undergone Mal etabiizatian. Final etabilitotion con be achieved <br />in one of the following ways. <br />c Surface waters. including drainage ditches and conveyance systemm., must be <br />inspected for evidence of mine. bang deposited by erosion. The Permitee(e) <br />must remove all deltas and .edenent deposited in writhe waters, Including <br />' drainage ways. Balch basins. and other drainage systems, and rentable. the areas <br />where sediment remover result. In ennead wt. The removal and stabilization must <br />take peace within seven (7) dap of d8rnvery teens precluded by legal. regulatory, <br />or physical onus constraints The Permltee Mall use el reasonable efforts to <br />obtain access. 11 precluded, removal and stab9holnn must take place within sewn <br />(7) colander dor of obtaining anew. The Permitee Is reponeibIo for contacting <br />all local, regional state and federal authorities and receiving any applicable permits, <br />prior to conducting any work. <br />d. Conet,o06. e6e vehicle exit locations must be inspected for evidence oft -site <br />...Anent tracking onto paved surfaces. Tracked sediment must be removed horn <br />W off-site paved surface., within 24 hours of discovery, or N applicable, within a <br />shorter time <br />e. The P.rmittes() are reaoonabls for the operation and maintenance of temporary <br />end permanent voter quality management BMP.. 0e well as all eroela0 prevention <br />and sediment control BMPS, for the auratbn of the construction work at the sits <br />The PermBl..(a) are ruponelble tenth another Pennine has assumed control ow <br />areas Of the Ste hot have not been finny stabilized or the Me has undergone <br />Meal stabilization. and a Notice of Termination hos been submitted to the MPCA <br />(sea TERMINATION OF COVERAGE). <br />L If nannenl escapes the contraction Me, of -site ocumeo0one must be mono.. <br />in o manner and of a frequency sufficient to minimize off -site Woo.. (e.g., <br />xptHe sediment h street" could be washed into etarm sewers by the need rah <br />and/or pane a safety hazard to users of public .true). <br />5. M in998.0.. areas must be nspected to ensure that no uakmnt from ongoing <br />construction activities . reaching the infiltration woo and these areas ore <br />protected Irons eam900(10n duo to construction equipment driving across the <br />h6lrallon area. <br />POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES <br />The Pamitee(s) ehdl Implement the following pollution prevention management <br />measures on the site: <br />1. Slid Bostic Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings. floating debris, <br />paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be <br />disposed of properly and must corrupt with MPCA disposal requirements. <br />2 Hazardous Materials. OIL gaeolne. paint and any hazardous ...tones. mot be <br />properly stored. Including seeondory containment to prevent spills, leaks or other <br />discharge. Restricted oases to Morage areas mini be provided to prevsnl <br />vandalism. Stereo. and dipopl of hazardous waste mot be M compliance nth <br />MPCA regulations. <br />.3 External wohing of trucks and other contraction within must be limited to a <br />defined area of the sits. Runoff mu01 be contained and wane properly deposed <br />al. No engine dsgrea0,9 is thawed on Me. <br />DEWATERINC AND BASIN DRAINING <br />1. D.o01 Nog or [mein draining (e.9.. pumped discharges. trench /ditch auto for <br />drainage) related to the conetmctin activity that may hove turbid or sediment <br />laden dlemarge water must be discharged to a temporary or permanent <br />sedemnlalbn bone an the project site whenever possible. II the voter dermal be <br />discharged to o sedimentation bee prior to entering the surface water, it must <br />treated wih the appropriate NAP, such that the dischage does not adversary <br />affect the receiving water or downstream tondownas The Permillee(s) must <br />ensure that discharge point. are adequa105 protected from erosion and scour. <br />The discharge oust be dispersed over natural reek 069,09, nand bags. plastic <br />Meeting or other accepted energy d.ipollan measure.. Adequate esdimentalion <br />control manures are required for discharge water that contains emended solids. <br />2 Al water Nom dewatering or base draining activities mot be discharged in n <br />manner that does not cause nuisance conditions, erosion In receiving channels or <br />on downslope properties, or inundation in wetlands causing signtli0nt adverse <br />impact to the wetland. <br />• • <br />SiTE SPECIFIC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL <br />81fE BFOfMAATNN <br />This project w11 consist of the canetnec n of 1 slope family tot, and 27 lownhomes. <br />Two etarrnivater ponds and one Infiltration besin ore proposed for this site, which <br />rO collect the majority of hard surface run -ali (minus soma roof drainage). The <br />proposed prows aria bash w1l proWde rote cont. and sedimentation end outiel to <br />he coining wetlands on and ddjocenl to he site. <br />5o0 disturbing cavil.; wN nclude. 6sldaten of a rode construction entrance; <br />n0(090(nn of sift fence when surface run -oli loons .11e; site grading (t include <br />the impart of material): storm sewer; install wotemon and sonitery sewer, <br />building construction including (.0060lion excavation. drivswoy construction; and <br />preparation for lure restoration. <br />TRANSFER ROW TO COUNTY <br />300 IMPERVIOUS <br />ElEOU@10E OF BITE MADNO AND MAJOR AC NITES <br />1. Prior to any grading operations, the contractor ehd hatch a rook construction <br />entrance and perimeter sit fence as Mown on plan. (Contact CRy to inspect <br />erosion control measure. U neces.ay) Aoiltlenal sit knee 0007 be nsceuary If <br />local conditions require. <br />2. Excavate pending area and install slit stop fence around pond at proposed NS&L <br />elevation. <br />3. Perform remainder of she grodng on on ado- by-area bolds to minimize <br />uncompleted moos As each area Is completed. all exposed sons must hove <br />temporary erosion control protection or permanent cover according to the following <br />time table: <br />1. All soil disturbing at the site have been completed and all roils must be stabilized <br />by a uniform perennial vegetative cover Nth o density of 70 percent over the <br />Mire previous surface area, or ether equ8SMt means necessary to prevent sal <br />failure under ernes conditions and; <br />s All drainage ditches, constructed to drain water from he site after construction k <br />complete, meet be stabilized to preclude erosion; <br />b. M temporary amble.., and structural ero9on prevention end sediment control <br />Beet Management Plane (wen os Wt fence) must be removed as pat of he sits <br />final stabilization; and <br />e. The Permilee(s) must Neon out ail sediment from conveyances and from <br />temporary sedimentation basins that ore to be used as permanent rater quality <br />management basins. Sediment noel be stabilized to prevent R from being washed <br />back into the bosh. conveyance and drainage wop Wachorgng off -stn or to <br />saf0ee woes. The clean out of permanent basins mum be sufficient to return <br />the basin to anIgn capacity. <br />2 For r ielen nl construction only, final stablealbn hos been ochiewd when <br />temporary erosion protection ore down gradient perimeter control for individual lob <br />hos 6000 completed and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. <br />Additionally, he Pennies must d11nbute the MPCA 'homeowner fool Meet" to the <br />homeowner to inform the homeowner of the need far, and benefits of, find <br />alabt.aUon. <br />RECORD DETENTION <br />The 50,999. all change" to R. end Inspections and maintenance records mot be <br />kept at the site dung construction by the Permit. who has operational control <br />of that potion of the site. The SWPPP con be net in either the ffe10 office of in <br />on on-site vehicle. <br />NI owner(s) most keep the SWPPP. along with the IWowng additional records. an <br />Be for three (3) years after submitted of the NOT as .Utned In TERMINATION OF <br />COVERAGE The OMs not Include any records after submittd of the NOT. <br />1. My other permll0 required for the project; <br />2. Records of all inspection and maintenance conducted curing construction <br />3. M permanent opero(bn and mantenenee agreements that rove been implemented, <br />including all right of way. contract. covenants, and other b00(09 rsqukomenb <br />regarding perpetual maintenance; and <br />4. All required calculation for deele l of the temporary and permanent slam water <br />management syetems. <br />TERMINATION OF COVERAGE <br />Permlltee(s) wishing to terminate coverage under hie permit must submit a Notice <br />of Termination (NOT) to the MPCA Competence Mlh the permit is rupee. ante a <br />NOT is submitted. The Perm9tes(s) wlhorkotn to dichane odor this permit <br />terminates at midnight 61 the day the NOT is signed. <br />2. All Pamllleo(s) must submit a NOT within thirty (30) clap after one or mare of <br />the following conditions hove been met <br />0. Feral Stabilization has been °thieved on all portions of the she for which the <br />P.rmltee le responsible (9dudny the removal of all temporary erosion control <br />measures such as 101 len.. and If applicable, returning agricultural land to Its pa <br />construction agriculture' use); <br />b. Mother owner /operator (Permit.) hos assumed control according to Part 8.8.5 of <br />MPCA Permit No. MN 9100001 ow 011 areas of the the that hove not been Melly <br />stabilized; or <br />0. For residential denetrunian only, temporary erosion protection and don prescient <br />perimeter control for individual lots has ben completed and the residence has <br />been transferred to the homeowner. Additionally. the Pemnilee mot dietrfbute the <br />MPCA's "homeowner .ct9set' to the homeowner to inform the homeowner of the <br />need for, and benefits of, Mal stabilization. <br />TYPE OF SLOPE <br />TIME. <br />Steeper than 3:1 <br />10:1 to 3:1 <br />Not Allowed <br />14 dojo <br />Flotler thon 10:1 <br />21 days <br />• MOeiwm time on Sea n <br />remain wen wnen lee one le <br />t 00.1hely bang wake0.) <br />A0 sod. seed, mulch and /.enal condom following MODOT <br />specification" as modified <br />EROSION CONTROL LEABUFEB <br />BITil1CC7URAl. PRAClICE8 <br />1. Slit Fence - will be in.lthed error to any grading activities along the perimeter of <br />those portions of the she which are downstream of storm, water run -off. <br />2. Storm water Management - Storm wafer . to be enamel/ and routed to 0 <br />9(0Fmw0le, pond and Infiltration basins that ant to be constructed for this site. <br />The p0069 /basins .11 provide rote control before exiling into the existing wetland. <br />5. be Storm an nMed rot the storm wear outlet into Me pond 00 9 91Permonent melon il <br />control measure <br />11EM <br />BEFORE CONSTRUCTION <br />AFTER CONSTRUCTION <br />TOTAL SITE AREA <br />10 ACRES <br />9 ACRES <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED IMPERVIOUS <br />0.90 ACRES <br />2.70 ACRES <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED PERVIOUS <br />9.10 ACRES <br />6.30 ACRES <br />300 IMPERVIOUS <br />ElEOU@10E OF BITE MADNO AND MAJOR AC NITES <br />1. Prior to any grading operations, the contractor ehd hatch a rook construction <br />entrance and perimeter sit fence as Mown on plan. (Contact CRy to inspect <br />erosion control measure. U neces.ay) Aoiltlenal sit knee 0007 be nsceuary If <br />local conditions require. <br />2. Excavate pending area and install slit stop fence around pond at proposed NS&L <br />elevation. <br />3. Perform remainder of she grodng on on ado- by-area bolds to minimize <br />uncompleted moos As each area Is completed. all exposed sons must hove <br />temporary erosion control protection or permanent cover according to the following <br />time table: <br />1. All soil disturbing at the site have been completed and all roils must be stabilized <br />by a uniform perennial vegetative cover Nth o density of 70 percent over the <br />Mire previous surface area, or ether equ8SMt means necessary to prevent sal <br />failure under ernes conditions and; <br />s All drainage ditches, constructed to drain water from he site after construction k <br />complete, meet be stabilized to preclude erosion; <br />b. M temporary amble.., and structural ero9on prevention end sediment control <br />Beet Management Plane (wen os Wt fence) must be removed as pat of he sits <br />final stabilization; and <br />e. The Permilee(s) must Neon out ail sediment from conveyances and from <br />temporary sedimentation basins that ore to be used as permanent rater quality <br />management basins. Sediment noel be stabilized to prevent R from being washed <br />back into the bosh. conveyance and drainage wop Wachorgng off -stn or to <br />saf0ee woes. The clean out of permanent basins mum be sufficient to return <br />the basin to anIgn capacity. <br />2 For r ielen nl construction only, final stablealbn hos been ochiewd when <br />temporary erosion protection ore down gradient perimeter control for individual lob <br />hos 6000 completed and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. <br />Additionally, he Pennies must d11nbute the MPCA 'homeowner fool Meet" to the <br />homeowner to inform the homeowner of the need far, and benefits of, find <br />alabt.aUon. <br />RECORD DETENTION <br />The 50,999. all change" to R. end Inspections and maintenance records mot be <br />kept at the site dung construction by the Permit. who has operational control <br />of that potion of the site. The SWPPP con be net in either the ffe10 office of in <br />on on-site vehicle. <br />NI owner(s) most keep the SWPPP. along with the IWowng additional records. an <br />Be for three (3) years after submitted of the NOT as .Utned In TERMINATION OF <br />COVERAGE The OMs not Include any records after submittd of the NOT. <br />1. My other permll0 required for the project; <br />2. Records of all inspection and maintenance conducted curing construction <br />3. M permanent opero(bn and mantenenee agreements that rove been implemented, <br />including all right of way. contract. covenants, and other b00(09 rsqukomenb <br />regarding perpetual maintenance; and <br />4. All required calculation for deele l of the temporary and permanent slam water <br />management syetems. <br />TERMINATION OF COVERAGE <br />Permlltee(s) wishing to terminate coverage under hie permit must submit a Notice <br />of Termination (NOT) to the MPCA Competence Mlh the permit is rupee. ante a <br />NOT is submitted. The Perm9tes(s) wlhorkotn to dichane odor this permit <br />terminates at midnight 61 the day the NOT is signed. <br />2. All Pamllleo(s) must submit a NOT within thirty (30) clap after one or mare of <br />the following conditions hove been met <br />0. Feral Stabilization has been °thieved on all portions of the she for which the <br />P.rmltee le responsible (9dudny the removal of all temporary erosion control <br />measures such as 101 len.. and If applicable, returning agricultural land to Its pa <br />construction agriculture' use); <br />b. Mother owner /operator (Permit.) hos assumed control according to Part 8.8.5 of <br />MPCA Permit No. MN 9100001 ow 011 areas of the the that hove not been Melly <br />stabilized; or <br />0. For residential denetrunian only, temporary erosion protection and don prescient <br />perimeter control for individual lots has ben completed and the residence has <br />been transferred to the homeowner. Additionally. the Pemnilee mot dietrfbute the <br />MPCA's "homeowner .ct9set' to the homeowner to inform the homeowner of the <br />need for, and benefits of, Mal stabilization. <br />TYPE OF SLOPE <br />TIME. <br />Steeper than 3:1 <br />10:1 to 3:1 <br />Not Allowed <br />14 dojo <br />Flotler thon 10:1 <br />21 days <br />• MOeiwm time on Sea n <br />remain wen wnen lee one le <br />t 00.1hely bang wake0.) <br />A0 sod. seed, mulch and /.enal condom following MODOT <br />specification" as modified <br />EROSION CONTROL LEABUFEB <br />BITil1CC7URAl. PRAClICE8 <br />1. Slit Fence - will be in.lthed error to any grading activities along the perimeter of <br />those portions of the she which are downstream of storm, water run -off. <br />2. Storm water Management - Storm wafer . to be enamel/ and routed to 0 <br />9(0Fmw0le, pond and Infiltration basins that ant to be constructed for this site. <br />The p0069 /basins .11 provide rote control before exiling into the existing wetland. <br />5. be Storm an nMed rot the storm wear outlet into Me pond 00 9 91Permonent melon il <br />control measure <br />11EM <br />1 Ecw1cATION AND NOTES <br />Sod <br />3879 <br />Seed <br />3876 <br />For Pending Arson (NW. -HWL) <br />Mixture VA (at 5 los /acre) <br />Mixture WI (at 6 los /asre) <br />For Pending Areas (HIM..-top of slope) <br />For General Areas <br />Mixture Old 500 (50 Ibs /Sae) <br />For Infiltration and Mitigation Areas <br />Mixture WI (5 Ibs /acre) <br />Mulch <br />3582 (Type 1 - Dec Anchored 2 tons /acre) <br />•Fertilizer <br />3881 <br />Fertilizer is not 'nommended for na1Ne see areas ht <br />Induce weeds <br />The contractor Mob pay special attention to W adjacent properly lines and the <br />slam ewer from the proposed pond to the re6end.. The contractor mot make <br />sae he erosion contra practice. Mince in those areas pr..nb migration of <br />esdnent onto edp0ant properties and wetlands. <br />If any copes appear to be falling, oddIlia to NH fence, ea9ment logs and erasion <br />control blanket MW be added as needed <br />The contractor shoe maintain and rpoir all alt fence (including the removal of <br />emenulaled adamant) until vegetation is established and the site Is •lablized. <br />(see ales INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE). <br />4, Remove accumulated sediment from pending area upon stabilization of upstream <br />areas. <br />5, Upon grading completion the contractor shun provide native tope. seed, and <br />mulch anchored with a straight eat disc within 48 hours of final grading. <br />6. Excess sal sheen be treated Ilse other exposed sal and stabilized within 72 hum. <br />ADDITIONAL N0T15 FOR INFILTRATION BASIN: <br />1) BASIN TO RETAIN UNLINED (NO MINING OF 5A1401 SOILS ALLOWED). <br />2) CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE TO MINIMIZE COMPACTION OF SOILS. <br />3) FINAL GRADE ONLY UPON STABIU2Ai1OF1 OF UPSTREAM AREAS. <br />4) AFTER FINAL GRADING. BASIN FLOOR TO DE TILLED TO DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. <br />5) USE TOPSOIL/SAND MIX FOR MESSING IN LIEU OF TOPSOIL ONLY. <br />6) USE SEED MIX WI FOR INFILTRATION REVECETA1ION. <br />7) AFTER FINAL ARE GRADING AB1) SEEDING SURROUND BASINS WITH SILT FENCE UNTIL <br />7 <br />OTHER CONTROLS <br />1. Conslruelion Waste Materials - All waste materials generated as a result of the <br />construction shall be collected and removed according to all local and /or state <br />waste management regulalfdms by o licensed solid waste management company. <br />The contractor Mil ensure that MI elle personnel ore instructed in thew procUcee. <br />2. Hazardous WoObs - All hazardous wale materials Mall be stored properly to <br />prevent spin and va do1.m. Shen n t.sary. hazardous wastes will be disposed <br />of in the manner specified by local end /or crate reg./tattoo or by the manulocturer. <br />3. Suntory Waste - NI sanitary waste w81 be enacted Tram the portable uMe by a <br />local, licensed water management company, as required by local regulation. <br />4. OHsits Vehicle Tracing - A rock conelructnn entrance has bee, provided to help <br />reduce vehicle tracking of "edema . The paved street adjacent to he en <br />entrance moll be swept on an ae- nestled boss, or oe determined by the City. <br />Dump frocks hauling loose materials (sand. topsoil, etc.) l0 and /or hen the site <br />Mall be cowed with o tarpaulin. <br />5. Vehicle Cleaning - No engine degreasing is allowed on -sle. Extem6 washing of <br />vehicles to be confined to a defined area ('bane yard') on -she. <br />INSPECTIONS MO IMINIBUNCE PROCEDLMES <br />(A.0 sw'kwPeobr1 end 14ieenmae' under 'AL BROOM AIM 8E wear CONTROL) <br />The 1d1own9 ore the Inspection and enohlenance practices that w91 be used l0 <br />melanin erasion and sediment contras <br />• MI control measures -00I b0 nspertad- a(-ieast once-each -week Ond1WOwn9 any <br />storm even of 0.5 inches or greater. <br />• All measure 01111 be molntotned in good working amen if a repair is necessary, it <br />will be n1Uate* within 24 huure or report <br />• Built up sediment Mel be remand from silt fence when it has reached one-third <br />(1/3) the height of the fence or on-third depth of fabric in catch basin. <br />• 591 fence eel be hp.0led for depth of sediment. teas. to sea 8 the fabric is <br />'carroty attached to he fence posts, and to see that the fence pone are firmly <br />in the ground. <br />• Temporary seeding and planing eel be npected for bore pots, washouts. and <br />healthy 9rewlh. <br />• A maintenance report will be made after each Mpeefwn. <br />MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION <br />I) Allowed. waking hours shoal be In confamonce to the City of Lino Lakes <br />requirements. <br />2) All siopee an-sle Mall be 3:1 maximum. <br />TflittivveT p <br />EROSION CONTROL NOTES <br />FRO9O41 C0N1RIS N0107 h IMP 4MrtITA11Wi msan <br />(1) MCP 70 Roust OIADN. INSTALL 50.1 STOP FENCES N LOCATIONS SHOWN <br />ADDITIONAL SILT 510P FENCES 1M11 9E REWIRED WOE LOCAL CONDITIONS REQUIRE <br />(2) EXCAVATE PONDS. <br />(3) ROUGH GRADING SHALL PROCEED ON Ali AREA BY AREA BASIS TO MNa0ZE <br />UNCOMPLETED AREAS. <br />(4) AS <br />ANCHORED WITH A GRADED. SETT DI5CN VS1164 114 DAYS 01 FI AND MULCH <br />NAL CRADN6. <br />(5)1MAINT R D REPAIR STOP <br />O1FENCES INCLUDE TIE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED <br />(6) REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM POND AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED. <br />(7) FOR MECUM REOUNEMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL AREAS, SEE SWPPP <br />rerelw r.n . r <br />M <br />1 <br />Ye 2' mu or NO <br />Iww. M0. 4' men. epode, <br />Wee nook Neereeneol. <br />• me NM. le f} phi. N. Is 90el <br />nurs <br />eve e. eel Neves 00 M Mrs. /NW <br />INN - uwme wear <br />sy'MwrIoolen et a' Nome <br />IN NM M tar Mph <br />ONara Wet <br />i °sea et <br />DUN No <br />Me INN <br />w nos W wAwe9. ICU ON cm le M 0910.0 <br />SILT _FENCE <br />T1k ne IMO On IT 1 Mm In .0 <br />111.7 PROlydnal. IwTM 110ee101. 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