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• <br />Referring to the submitted Grade Plan (Attachment 4), surface water runoff is <br />directed to a NURP (National Urban Runoff Pond), out of that pond with a skim <br />pipe (no elevation determined on outlet) into an infiltration pond, then piped to the <br />south side of the project and released. Additional infiltration may be achieved if <br />this piped section were replaced with open drainage swale with check dam <br />berms and native vegetation planted. Recommend the City engineer look at this <br />option. <br />Access locations to pond and infiltration areas must be shown on the map. <br />There are more parking stalls being proposed for Retail and Stationstore than are <br />the minimum required. Parking should be kept to the minimum required. It <br />would be beneficial if the developer would be willing to use permeable pavers in <br />some of the parking areas, then it does not matter how much parking is <br />proposed. <br />Pump Stations: <br />Pumps stations should be designed with spill- containment feature. <br />Car wash: <br />Car wash should drain to sanitary sewer. It is unclear from the map whether <br />wash water is going to sanitary sewer or storm sewer. BMP's to keep prosperous <br />and other car wash residue on site should be used. Previous car wash projects <br />have designed pervious surfaces at the car wash exit. Recommend this design <br />be looked at. <br />Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: <br />There are two pages that describe the SWPPP. Attachments 8 and 9 are called <br />Erosion Control Plan and Erosion Control Details respectively. These two sheets <br />should be called Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or SWPPP. <br />Tree Preservation: <br />The plans should include a tree inventory. The only trees on the site are trees to <br />the West of the existing building. The trees are red oak, pine, and boxelder. The <br />plan should indicate these trees as removals. <br />Landscape Plan: <br />A landscape plan is provided as Attachment 10. Sod planted areas must be <br />irrigated. Top soil should be tilled as deeply as possible into existing sub - soils. <br />Screening the western property line must meet 80% opacity. I would not rely on <br />existing pines on the neighbor's property to provide this screening in that they are <br />overstocked, disease prone, and storm damaged. Storm pond and infiltration <br />areas should be planted with the City native seed mix and modified with <br />enhancement plant plugs to achieve flowering forbs at a density of one every 5 <br />feet. A planting schedule should be submitted with native seed and plants <br />included. A contract with a City approved landscape company, that is <br />knowledgeable and experienced in native plant installation and maintenance, <br />should be submitted. The contract should cover installation and maintenance for <br />