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• <br />• <br />Hello SHEP Crew 2007! <br />Thanks again for participating in this important volunteer project. The <br />health of these streams, and the watershed, could not be assessed <br />without your help. <br />Below is a reminder and details about this Saturday's training as well <br />as the new October training dates. Directions to Wargo Nature Center <br />are available via the Wargo link below and are also copied below this <br />main message. If you have any remaining questions on how to get there, <br />the Nature Center can be reached at 651- 429 -8007. <br />If you have any questions about the training, please contact Trevor <br />Russell, the Watershed Program Director, at 651- 222 -2193 x18. (If it's <br />urgent, Trevor's cell is 651- 274 -3336. This number is also given in his <br />outgoing message.) Unfortunately, I cannot be there Saturday, but you <br />will be in good hands with Trevor and the MPCA and Minnesota Waters <br />scientists /trainers. <br />* SATURDAY FIELD TRAINING <br />Saturday, August 25, 9 am -4 pm <br />Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. for check -in and to sign important waivers. <br />(The Center will be opening before its normal 9 a.m. start time just <br />for SHEPers.) <br />The training is required for participation in SHEP. This year's <br />training will once again be led by scientists from the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency and Minnesota Waters, and held at Wargo Nature <br />Center. A description of and directions to this facility are available <br />at http: // /glinks /wargonc /wargonc.htm and are <br />also copied below this main message. <br />Our training protocol will be a little different from last year. The <br />vast majority of the Saturday training will be field work, focused on <br />exactly what you will need to do during the sampling phase. Supplies <br />(such as waders and all necessary training materials), food and <br />beverages will be provided, but you may want to bring your own waders <br />if you have them. You will be going into the water. <br />You will be introduced to your team leaders, meet your team members, <br />and receive your team contact list Saturday. (For 2006 SHEPers: With <br />only one exception [Ms. Bor is now on the Lyman -Onkka team due to <br />scheduling], you have been placed with the teammates you worked with <br />last year. We also have the privilege of welcoming many new faces onto <br />the teams this year as well.) <br />* OCTOBER LAB TRAINING <br />There will be a separate laboratory analysis training as our lab <br />analysis portion of SHEP gets going. This will allow us to have a more <br />comprehensive field training prior to field activity and focus more on <br />lab training prior to our lab sessions. <br />This training is required in order to be involved in the <br />laboratory /analysis portion of SHEP. It is a five and a half hour <br />training, offered on two dates: Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2:30 -8 p.m. OR <br />Saturday, Oct. 20, 9 a.m. -3:30 p.m. <br />