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necessary. Describe any required setbacks for land disposal systems. <br />19. Geologic hazards and soil conditions <br />a. Approximate depth (in feet) to ground water: minimum average <br />to bedrock: minimum average <br />Describe any of the following geologic site hazards to ground water and also identify them on the site <br />map: sinkholes, shallow limestone formations or karst conditions. Describe measures to avoid or <br />minimize environmental problems due to any of these hazards. <br />b. Describe the soils on the site, giving NRCS (SCS) classifications, if known. Discuss soil granularity <br />and potential for groundwater contamination from wastes or chemicals spread or spilled onto the soils. <br />Discuss any mitigation measures to prevent such contamination. <br />20. Solid wastes, hazardous wastes, storage tanks <br />a. Describe types, amounts and compositions of solid or hazardous wastes, including solid animal <br />manure, sludge and ash, produced during construction and operation. Identify method and location of <br />disposal. For projects generating municipal solid waste, indicate if there is a source separation plan; <br />describe how the project will be modified for recycling. If hazardous waste is generated, indicate if <br />there is a hazardous waste minimization plan and routine hazardous waste reduction assessments. <br />b. Identify any toxic or hazardous materials to be used or present at the site and identify measures to be <br />used to prevent them from contaminating groundwater. If the use of toxic or hazardous materials will <br />lead to a regulated waste, discharge or emission, discuss any alternatives considered to minimize or <br />eliminate the waste, discharge or emission. <br />c. Indicate the number, location, size and use of any above or below ground tanks to store petroleum <br />products or other materials, except water. Describe any emergency response containment plans. <br />21. Traffic. Parking spaces added . Existing spaces (if project involves expansion) <br />Estimated total average <br />daily traffic generated . Estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated (if known) and <br />time of occurrence <br />Provide an estimate of the impact on traffic congestion on affected <br />roads and describe any traffic improvements necessary. If the project is within the Twin Cities <br />metropolitan area, discuss its impact on the regional transportation system. <br />22. Vehicle - related air emissions. Estimate the effect of the project's traffic generation on air quality, <br />including carbon monoxide levels. Discuss the effect of traffic improvements or other mitigation <br />measures on air quality impacts. Note: If the project involves 500 or more parking spaces, consult <br />EAW Guidelines about whether a detailed air quality analysis is needed. <br />23. Stationary source air emissions. Describe the type, sources, quantities and compositions of any <br />emissions from stationary sources of air emissions such as boilers, exhaust stacks or fugitive dust <br />sources. Include any hazardous air pollutants (consult EAW Guidelines for a listing) and any <br />greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) and ozone - depleting chemicals <br />(chloro- fluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons or sulfur hexafluoride). Also describe <br />any proposed pollution prevention techniques and proposed air pollution control devices. Describe the <br />impacts on air quality. <br />24. Odors, noise and dust. Will the project generate odors, noise or dust during construction or during <br />operation? _Yes No <br />If yes, describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities or intensity and any proposed measures to <br />mitigate adverse impacts. Also identify locations of nearby sensitive receptors and estimate impacts on <br />them. Discuss potential impacts on human health or quality of life. (Note: fugitive dust generated by <br />operations may be discussed at item 23 instead of here.) <br />