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25. Nearby resources. Are any of the following resources on or in proximity to the site? <br />Archaeological, historical or architectural resources? _Yes _No <br />Prime or unique farmlands or land within an agricultural preserve? _Yes No <br />Designated parks, recreation areas or trails? _Yes _No <br />Scenic views and vistas? _Yes No <br />Other unique resources? _Yes No <br />If yes, describe the resource and identify any project - related impacts on the resource. Describe any <br />measures to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. <br />26. Visual impacts. Will the project create adverse visual impacts during construction or operation? Such <br />as glare from intense Lights, lights visible in wilderness areas and large visible plumes from cooling <br />towers or exhaust stacks? Yes No <br />If yes, explain. <br />27. Compatibility with plans and land use regulations. Is the project subject to an adopted local <br />comprehensive plan, land use plan or regulation, or other applicable land use, water, or resource <br />management plan of a local, regional, state or federal agency? <br />_Yes _No. If yes, describe the plan, discuss its compatibility with the project and explain how any <br />conflicts will be resolved. If no, explain. <br />28. Impact on infrastructure and public services. Will new or expanded utilities, roads, other <br />infrastructure or public services be required to serve the project? _Yes No. If yes, describe the <br />new or additional infrastructure or services needed. (Note: any infrastructure that is a connected action <br />with respect to the project must be assessed in the EAW; see EAW Guidelines for details.) <br />29. Cumulative impacts. Minnesota Rule part 4410.1700, subpart 7, item B requires that the RGU <br />consider the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects" when determining <br />the need for an environmental impact statement. Identify any past, present or reasonably foreseeable <br />future projects that may interact with the project described in this EAW in such a way as to cause <br />cumulative impacts. Describe the nature of the cumulative impacts and summarize any other available <br />information relevant to determining whether there is potential for significant environmental effects due <br />to cumulative impacts (or discuss each cumulative impact under appropriate item(s) elsewhere on this <br />form). <br />30. Other potential environmental impacts. If the project may cause any adverse environmental impacts <br />not addressed by items 1 to 28, identify and discuss them here, along with any proposed mitigation. <br />31. Summary of issues. Do not complete this section if the EAW is being done for EIS scoping; instead, <br />address relevant issues in the draft Scoping Decision document, which must accompany the EAW. List <br />any impacts and issues identified above that may require further investigation before the project is <br />begun. Discuss any alternatives or mitigative measures that have been or may be considered for these <br />impacts and issues, including those that have been or may be ordered as permit conditions. <br />RGU CERTIFICATION. The Environmental Quality Board will only accept SIGNED Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheets for public notice in the EQB Monitor. <br />I hereby certify that: <br />• The information contained in this document is accurate and complete to the best of my <br />knowledge. <br />• The EAW describes the complete project; there are no other projects, stages or components <br />other than those described in this document, which are related to the project as connected <br />actions or phased actions, as defined at Minnesota Rules, parts 4410.0200, subparts 9b and 60, <br />respectively. <br />• Copies of this EAW are being sent to the entire EQB distribution list. <br />Signature Date <br />