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i <br />1 <br />1 <br />YAN <br />PROPOSAL/ SUMMARY <br />APPLICANT is requesting development approvals to allow for the development of the <br />PROPERTY with multiple users that will include a 182,760 square feet SuperTarget retail store <br />and 150,198 square feet of flex -space retail shops for a total building area of 332,958 square feet. <br />The existing property is zoned SC - Shopping Center. APPLICANT is not requesting the <br />PROPERTY to be rezoned and that present SC zoning district meets developments intended <br />usage. <br />Surrounding Zoning is as follows: <br />1. Abutting to the East and North - R- Rural <br />2. Abutting to the South - SC - Shopping Center and LB - Light Business <br />3. Abutting to the West — NB — Neighborhood Business and GB — General Business <br />Commercial — CA - Central Area <br />APPLICANT is requesting site, building and sign plan review for the new SuperTarget store. <br />The overall building architecture will be oriented toward some of the features already used to the <br />south in the Village Center development as well as new features that will complement the site <br />and provide screening and buffering to the rural neighborhoods to the north and east of the <br />PROPERTY. <br />The majority of site grading proposed is to facilitate the construction of the new retail buildings, <br />modify drainage patterns, and provide for landscaped areas and islands. Storm water runoff will <br />convey via the construction of new storm sewer lines under the proposed parking lot and outfall <br />to new storm water ponds. A substantial number of new water infiltration methods have been <br />incorporated in the preliminary plans to lower site total runoff volumes. <br />The building and parking lot construction will require tree removal. The City Ordinance defines <br />a significant tree as any hardwood deciduous tree 6" caliper or greater, any softwood deciduous <br />tree of 8" caliper or greater, and any coniferous tree of 12' height or greater. See Exhibit D <br />Significant Tree Survey. The tree survey logged 752 trees however 566 are "significant trees" as <br />defined by ordinance. The proposed grading activities will require the removal of 437 <br />significant trees. In addition, the City has requested that all Aspen and Cottonwood be removed <br />from the site. The total tree removal count planned is 458 significant trees. <br />The City does not have a tree mitigation /replacement guideline. The site grading activities will <br />result in the removal of 14 Tamarack trees from the property (8 Tamarack will remain). Specific <br />to this action, one - hundred and nine (109) Tamarack trees will be planted in the northwest and <br />southeast areas of the site, surrounding and in the bio- retention basins. <br />Some higher quality species will be added as well as coniferous trees to produce improved <br />screening throughout the year. Landscaping has also been planned throughout the site. Planting <br />islands will be incorporated into the parking lots and along drive aisles to provide for parking lot <br />PARSDNS <br />Barton- Asehman • Da Lauw, Cathay, • Steinman <br />Town Center Narrative <br />Page -2- <br />01/15/01 <br />