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05/26/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/26/1981 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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May 26, 1981 <br />made in the highway were reported. Mr. Ruud said he did not believe this <br />construction would begin until 1982. The Council had some questions, which <br />Mr. Ruud answered. Mr. Ruud presented the Council with a Resolution that <br />he asked them to pass. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve Resolution 81 -12. Seconded by Mrs. <br />Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked Mr. Ruud if there could be some consideration for <br />some basic walkway for the children in the areas since in the coming year <br />all the children within a .9 of a mile radius will have to walk. Mr. Ruud <br />said he would look at the area along Main Street on his way out and see <br />what he could do in the way of a recommendation. <br />CABLE TV REPORT <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter gave a brief report on the status of the Cable TV study. <br />She pointed out that in answer the the survey that had been sent out, the <br />returans are about 75% in favor of Cable TV, 10% against and 15% undecided. <br />There is also a copy of a propsoed Joint Powers Agreement for each Council <br />member for their information. This will probably be revised somewhat be- <br />fore it is finalized, but it is almost finished. She will keep the Council <br />informed in the tabulation of the survey reports. <br />A recess was called a this point in the meeting. The meeting reconvened <br />at 8:55 P.M. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ACTIONS <br />VARIANCE - ROLSTAD This is a request to split 22 acres from his property <br />for his son to construct a home. Mr. Rolstad had provided a certificate <br />of survey for this property. However, it had been noted by the Planning <br />and Zoning that the 22 acre computations included the 33' foot easement for <br />Holly Drive. The Planning and Zoning had recommended that Mr. Rolstad <br />revise the front footage of the 21/2 acre parcel to delete the street right - <br />of -way and make the parcel of land a full 21/2 acres minut the 33' easement. <br />Mr. Rolstad agreed to this. <br />There was discussion on the park dedication. Since this is an individual <br />building site, the amount to be paid to the park fund is $375.00. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the variance for the lot split per the <br />Planning adn Zoning Board's recommendations, with $375.00 to be paid to the <br />Park fund. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - PELTIER Mr. Peltier is requesting a variance to Ordinance #78 <br />for the transfer of title of 10.5 acres of land to his daughter for farming <br />purposes. This land is being split from a 77 acre parcel. This 10.5 <br />acres has frontage on 24th Avenue North. <br />There was,Idiscussion of the amount that should be required for park <br />dedication. The general consensus of the Council was, that since this_is <br />to be a single home site, the requirement should be for one home site. <br />The Council felt, that if in the future, the land is split, then the re- <br />maining park funds could be collected at that time. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve this variance wiht $375.00 to be paid to the <br />park funds and the remaining amount to be collected if and when the land <br />
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