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06/08/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/08/1981 Council Minutes
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10 June 8, 1981 <br />The regular meeting of the. Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 7:30 P.M., June 8, 1981, by Mayor Gourley with all members present <br />except Mr. Jaworski. Mr. Locher, Mr. Meister and Mr. Schumacher were <br />also present. <br />On considering the minutes of May 26, 1981, Mrs. Elsenpeter corrected <br />the figures relating to the Cable TV Survey. It should readl 75% in <br />favor, 10o against and 15% undecided. Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve <br />as corrected. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried with Mr. <br />McLean abstaining. <br />There was no questions on the disbursements, Mayor Gourley said the <br />disbursements would stand approved as presented. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. George Taylor appeared before the Council to discuss his application <br />for a Special Use Permit for the establishing a car lot on his property <br />on Lake Drive. The neighbors had objected to this use even though his <br />property is zoned commercial. Mr. Taylor proposes to construct a single <br />family dwelling on this parcel which he will ultimately see, along with <br />his current residence, and buy in an area where his business would be <br />allowed. <br />There was a question as to whether Mr. Taylor needed a variance to con- <br />struct a residence in this area and it was pointed out that in the past <br />few years the Council has not allowed residential construction in a <br />commercial zone. However, this land is proposed for ER in the Com- <br />prehensive Plan. <br />Mr. Taylor asked if the fee he paid for the Special Use Permit could <br />be transferred to the variance request. After some discussion, the <br />Council felt that the administrative fee of $50.00 could be transferred <br />to the variance. Mr. McLean moved that any funds in excess of what Mr. <br />Taylor has paid be transferred to the variance request. Mr. Schumacher <br />pointed out that the money placed in escrow has been expended. <br />Mr. Taylor said he was aware of the costs involved in the original <br />request and all he is asking for is the transfer of the administrative <br />fee of $50.00 to be transferred to the new request. Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />seconded Mr. McLean's motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PARK BOARD REQUEST <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the Park Board's action on the dedication of <br />park funds for Mr. E. Henriksen. The Park Board request funds for the <br />entire parcel being sold and that this money should be paid in a one <br />year period in three equal installations, the first payment due four <br />months from this date. <br />The Park Board had been reluctant to allow this to be paid on a lot to <br />lot basis due to the administrative problems this creats. <br />Mr. McLean moved that the Henriksen's Park Dedication be paid in three <br />equal payments, the first payment due four months from this date, the <br />second, eight months from this date and the last one due one year <br />from this date. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimosuly. <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT - CABLE TV <br />
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