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07/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/13/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />July 13, 1981 <br />Comprehensive Plan; 4) a five year C.I.P. He gave the Council some ideas <br />on how these things can be accomplished. <br />Mr. Lushine felt two important questions was 1) how many people live in <br />and work in Lino Lakes? and 2) how many students stay in Lino Lakes after <br />graduation? <br />He left some publications for Council consideration and offered to asssst <br />this Community in any way he can. <br />Mr. Elsenpeter asked if Mr. Lushine's:department offers any sort of work- <br />shop offering guidance and Mr. Lushine -said, Yes, they work on a one to <br />one basis. <br />Mr. Lushine was thanked for his time and information. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING CARRY OVER ITEMS <br />ROBERT DUFOUR - SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE <br />The concern at the last Council meeting was the legal description of the <br />property. Mr. Schumacher presented the correct legal description of the <br />land proposed to be split - there was discussion on the total acreage of <br />the land. Ownership of the property was also a concern. Mr. DuFour <br />presented a contract for deed to the property. <br />Mr. DuFour has paid the park dedication funds. What is needed is the <br />permit for parking the trailer, and a variance to Ordinance #78 for the <br />transfer of the parcel of land. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the request for a variance to split this land <br />under Ordinance #78 as signed by Mr. Pudwill and Mr. Leiberman. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The special use permit application for the parking of the trailer was con- <br />sidered. This trailer has been parked at that location for four months <br />at this point in time. The ordinance permits 4 -90 day permits for parking <br />this unit during the construction of the home. <br />Mr. DuFour said his first concern is to get the septic system in and then <br />he will start on the foundation. He wants to gets the home colosed in <br />before winter in order to work inside during the winter. <br />Mr. McLean wanted Mr. DuFour to understand that if in nine months from <br />now work has not started, this trailer would be pulled out. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter read the Ordinance setting the rules and regulations for <br />the permit, for the keeping of a trailer on his property during the con- <br />struction of his home. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />GOOD - VEHICLE STORAGE APPLICATION <br />Mr. Good was not present to answer questions. Mr. Schumacher reported <br />this is for the storage of a 1959 Mercedes Benz and a 1966 Lincoln <br />Continental behind his garage at 7641 Lake Drive. <br />
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