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07/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/13/1981 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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22 <br />Council Meeting <br />July 13, 1981 <br />Mr. McLean noted that the Council needs a reason for this application <br />and he does not see any reason set forth on this application. Also, <br />the fee - is this $5.00 per vehicle? Yes, per year. Mr. McLean felt <br />this was a method to avoid purchasing license plates. He also felt this <br />ordinance was for the storage of vehicles of persons, either in the <br />service or away at college - not for the permission to park unlicensed <br />cars. <br />Mr. McLean asked that the applicant be present to answer questions as <br />to why he is asking for this permit. Mrs McLean moved that the <br />applicant be requested to appear at the next Council meeting to answer <br />questions on this application. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - DUNCANSON - SECURITY ARM ON FENCE <br />This application is for the installation of barbed wore on the security <br />arms on a fence that has already been installed. These arms angle in- <br />ward. There was discussion of this fence - where it is located in <br />relationship to the street right -of -way and it relates to the existing <br />fence. <br />,r/ Aurandt, representing Mr. Duncanson, said the fence continues the <br />existing fence. This fence is for the purpose of storing all the <br />equipment at that location inside this fence. The inside of the area is <br />being leveled to accomodate the boats and trailers that have been parked <br />on the street and the right -of -way. <br />There was discussion of the employees using the parking lot at the Park <br />for the parking of their cars. Mr. Aurandt felt that once the equipment <br />is moved into the fenced area, there would be sufficient room for employees <br />to park on the North side of the shop. <br />Mr. McLean asked for a time frame for the removal of the equipment from <br />the street and the boulevard. Mr. Aurandt felt this would be completed <br />before the winter. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the special use permit for the installation <br />of three strands of barbed wire on the existing security arms on the <br />six foot chain link fence at Luther's Sport Shop and asked that Mr. <br />Duncanson be asked to remove all equipment from the street right -of -way <br />within 30 days. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter was concerned with the employees using the park parking <br />lot for private purposes. She noted that all new businesses coming into <br />this City must provide sufficient parking spaces for their business and <br />their customers. Mrs. Elsenpeter amended the motion that Mr. Duncanson <br />be required to provide sufficient parking spaces for his employees on <br />his own property. <br />Mr. Aurandt felt that 30 days was too short a time - perhaps 60 days. <br />Mr. McLean amended his motion to change the '30 day' requirement to <br />'60 day' Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded Mrs. Elsenpeter's motion. The vote <br />was on the original motion and the amendment. Both carried uannimously. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - JOHN LeBLOND <br />This is for a veteranry clinic on Lake Drive - the Planning and Zoning <br />1 <br />
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