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09/17/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/17/1981 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />September 17, 1981 71 <br />The Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />7:30 P.M., September 17, 1981, by Mayor Gourley with all Council members <br />present. Mr. Locher, Mr. Schumacher, Mr. Steve Mattson, Mr. Andrew Merry, <br />Mr. Bob Frigaard and Mr. Bernie Mettelstead were also present. <br />Mayor Gourley noted there is a limited agenda at this meeting, therefore, <br />there will be no open mike. The topic for discussion at this meeting is <br />the sale of the bonds. <br />Mayor Gourley asked Mr. McLean about his question concerning the Public <br />Hearing minutes - did he wat to purseu that at this meeting? Mr. McLean <br />said he had received a copy of the minutes and his motion was substanially <br />as was passed. Mayor Gourley asked if he wished to consider those minutes <br />at this meeting and Mr. McLean asked that they be approved at a regular <br />meeting. <br />Mayor Gourley noted, that as had been discussed at the last Council meeting, <br />there has been a change in the connection point and he requested the Eng- <br />ineer to present his report to the Council. <br />Mr. Mittelstead presented the two alternatives to connect to the interceptor; <br />1) to connect to the Circle Pines system; 2) to go directly to the main <br />interceptor on North Road. <br />The contract submitted to the City of Lino Lakes by the City of Circle Pines <br />had been reviewed and the estimated costs are $82,000.00 The alternate <br />route, going directly into Blaine, if the pipe can be installed within the <br />shoulder - that estimated cost is $67,000.00 If it becomes necessary to <br />install within the road bed, the estimated costs are $93,000.00. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked at what figure this cost was being computed? Mr. <br />Mittelstead said 3460 feet x 11.00 per foot; the fittings - 1.00 per foot; <br />the sod replacement $26,000.00 and if it is necessary to replace the street <br />surfact, that is estimated at $52,000.00. Mr. Mittelstead said the average <br />is approximately $80,000.00. These figures are within the 10% figure re- <br />gardless of the route of the connection. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz - in talking with teh Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, <br />they have indicated to Lino Lakes that the costs would be $50.00 per foot. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz said that in 1976 the ocst was estimated at $156,000.00 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz said the figures don't jive. Mr. Mittelstead pointed out <br />that the figures he presented were based on bid prices that has just re- <br />cently been taken. <br />Mr. McLean questioned the total costs, it would appear to him the costs <br />would be $120,000.00 Mr. Millelstead explained that both sod replacement <br />and street replacement would not be included, it would be one or the other. <br />The highest costs would be if it is necessary to put the force main in <br />the roadbed. <br />Mr. McLean asked if these costs are written down any place and Mittelstead <br />said they just have their hand written estimates. Mr. McLean asked if <br />there is a map showing this location ? Mr. Kulaszewicz asked if there was <br />a feasibility study? Mr. Mittelstead said, No, a feasibility study had <br />not been prepared for this connection. This is already included in the <br />estimate prepared for the project. At the time the initial estimate was <br />prepared, an outlet was considered and monies estimated for this cost. <br />
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