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09/17/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/17/1981 Council Minutes
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September 17, 1981 <br />Mr. McLean asked about the size of the pipe and Mr. Mittelstead said, six <br />inch. He added that perhaps this should be an 8" pipe - this will be <br />decided at the time the specifications are prepared. The additional cost <br />would be 1.00 to 2.00 per foot. The volumn of flow will have to be de- <br />cided - if the pipe is too large that could cause problems. <br />Mr. McLean asked if he felt the estimates are on the conservative or on the <br />low side. Mr. Mittelstead answered, that based on the prices that they <br />have received, he would said these estimates are on the conservative side. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked if a 10" line could be installed and Mr. Mittelstead <br />said he did not think so - he did not feel there is enough flow for that <br />size line. This is a closed system and must keep itself clean. <br />Mr. Mittelstead said a design curve must be prepared for the flow of this <br />system. <br />Mr. McLean asked if PCA or MWCC had been approached? Mr. Mittelstead said <br />that they had discussed this with MWCC and they had given verbal approval; <br />Anoka County has also been approached and there is no problem in that area. <br />Mr. McLean asked about PCA and Mr. Mittelstead said PCA has no jurisdiction <br />as to where the connects - they must approve the plans. DNR? plans do not <br />have to be submitted to DNR. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz reported on the time schedule for submitting the plans and <br />specifications to MWCC. Mr. Mittelstead said he was sure that this is <br />correct. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz said there is no feasibility study - shooting in the dark -1 <br />we haven't got the okay from Waste Control yet and in order for us to <br />okay this thing - supposedly Mr. Mattson says they can sell the bonds - and <br />how can we sell the bonds when the project is not completed? I can't see <br />how a Bond Counsel can come up here and say to us - we're gonna sell these <br />bonds - when the project is not completed, when it's not. <br />Mr. Mettelstead said the process that is normally gone through is, if - <br />the preliminary report has been prepared and did include the cost of this <br />connection. <br />Mr. McLean said the connection to Circle Pines is the only one that had <br />been considered by the Council. The laternative to connect into Blaine has <br />not been considered at any time. <br />Mr. Mittelstead said when Mr. Long made his presentation, there were <br />contingency funds for the connection - for the purpose of covering an <br />alternate. The Council authorizes the preparation of the plans, the plans <br />are prepared prior to Council authoirzation for the letting of the bids, <br />these plans must be approved by the MWCC, PCA and Board of Health. This <br />is the proper time for the MWCC to review the plans. <br />Mr. McLean insisted that he does not have a piece of paper that says this <br />is the plan, and that noe of this information was available until <br />tonight. <br />Mr. Mittelstead said taht in order for them to make a recommendation as <br />to the point of connection, it was necessary to study all alternatives and <br />their related costs. Now that they have received a copy of the proposed <br />contract as presented by Circle Pines, they could make this recommendation, <br />and that is what has been done. <br />
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