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02/08/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/08/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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142 <br />Council Meeting <br />Februarry 8, 1982 <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter reported on the status of this work and noted that she had <br />provided a copy of the original Resolution on Lobbying that had been <br />passed by the City Council. She will compare this Resolution with the <br />latest one just passed by the Commission and will present her recommend- <br />ations to the Council at the next meeting. <br />MUNICIPAL CONSULTANTS. <br />Mr. Marier felt that all members should be present when a decision such <br />as this is made. Mr. Marier moved to table consideration of consultants <br />until the February 22, 1982 agenda. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked if there were to be interviews with the Engineers <br />and could this be arranged at this time. <br />Mayor Benson said there are several things pending that must be dealt <br />with; 1) Block Grant Funds; 2) Consultants; 3) Charter requirements; <br />he asked if there isn't some tentative date when this can be done. <br />Mr. Marier asked if consideration of the bddget could be included - he <br />suggested these matters be split in two separate meetings. <br />After some consideration, Saturday, February 20th was decided upon - <br />meeting to begin at 9:00 A.M. Mr. Schumacher will check with the <br />Charter Commission and Mrs. Elsenpeter will see if she is able to get <br />time off. The Council will be notified by mail. <br />AMENDED SPECIAL USE PERMIT - GLENN REHBEIN <br />Action on this request had been tabled pending negotiations between the <br />two interested parties. <br />1 <br />Mr. Reinert reported that he had contacted both parties and had delayed <br />setting a meeting date and time at Mrs. Reinhold's request. She wanted <br />time to put her objections on paper. She had forwarded the letter to all <br />Council members. He then tried to set up a meeting - Mr. Karth was agree- <br />able to the time and date but Mrs. Reinhold's Attorney had called and told <br />Mr. Reinert that he had advised Mrs. Reinhold not to attend the meeting <br />since there is pending legal action. <br />Mr. Reinert pointed out that there had never been a special use permit <br />issued for this operation. He noted his concern with this point. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported that this request had been reviewed by the <br />Planner, the Engineer, the Planning and Zoning Board and the Council and <br />had been approved. <br />There was discussion of this item with Mr. Reinert moving that Mr. Short <br />be asked for his opinion on the proper use of the land and Mr. Locher be <br />asked to write his interpretation as it now exists. Seconded by Mr. <br />Marier. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter suggested contacting Mr. Lee Starr, Planner at that <br />time, and Mr. George Gotwald, Engineer, for their imput. <br />1 <br />
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