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03/03/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/03/1982 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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154 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />March 3, 1982 <br />The Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 6:39 P.M. with all members present. Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Schumacher <br />were also present. <br />This Special Meeting had been called for the purpose of interviewing <br />prospective Engineering Firms. The first firm to be heard was Toltz- <br />King- Duvall- Anderson (TKDA). <br />Mr. Casma and Mr. Davidson, representing this firm, presented their <br />credentials and areas of work their firm has either been involved with <br />or are involved with at the present time. Their schedule of payment <br />was discussed. There were questions from the Council which were ans- <br />wered by the representatives. <br />Mr. Duayne Elliott, representing Short - Elliott - Hendricksen, (SEH), <br />presented the proposal by that firm to include their current service <br />areas and work the firm has participated in in the past. The fee Schedule <br />was also discussed. <br />Mr. Pete Long, Bob Frigaard, and Mr. Larson representing Orr- Schelen- <br />Meyeron, (OSM) presented the credentials of their firm. The same pro - <br />cedure was foolowed as for the other firms. <br />Mr. Don Carley and Mr. Larry Winner representing the firm of Milner <br />Carley Engineering, made their presentation to the Council. The various <br />areas of involvement were discussed as was the fee schedule. <br />All firms were thanked by the Council and informed that as soon as the <br />Council makes a decision on this matter, they will be informed. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. The meeting reconvened. <br />HOME RULE CHARTER <br />Mayor Benson asked the Council which of the Chapters they would prefer <br />to discuss first. <br />Mr. Schumacher referred to the Memo that had been sent to all Council <br />members in reference to the codification that has been started and the <br />additional work that had occured due to the requirements of the Charter. <br />Mr. Schumacher felt that since Mr. Hoff is doing the codification, it <br />would be more efficient to have Mr. Hoff w ±te these necessary ordinances <br />and incorporate them in the codification. <br />Mr. Hoff was asked about the time needed to write those ordinances and <br />he felt it would take approximately six (6) hours to write an Ordinance <br />for the improvement section. The other three required ordinances would <br />probably take another six (6) hours. He would estimate 12 to 15 hours <br />to complete all the ordinances. <br />Mr. Reinert requested to be brought up to date on the matter of the <br />codification which Mr. Schumacher did - stating that it would cost the <br />same amount whether the City Attorney did the Ordinances or Mr. Hoff <br />did the ordinances. <br />Since the improvement ordinance is the only one that has a time limit <br />
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